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Showing posts from March, 2022

Black and white perspectives

In our beautiful country almost everything is viewed at some point in time or another under the lens of the social construct of "race".  Our Nation was founded by Europeans immigrants escaping some of the traditional socio political constraints of the old continent.  Seeking religious and political freedom, the founders of the United States of America murdered the Asian natives who pre inhabited the land, and imported African slaves to work the vast American land.  Out of that struggle, evolved the greatest nation on Earth, the land of the free and home of the brave.  God Bless America.   TakeSlap at is a blog inspired on Will Smith's infamous attack on the dignity and freedom of speech of Chris Rock.  The blog puts words together to make you think about life, history, entertainment, and more. Our country remains racially divided through the present day.  However, contrary to popular belief, the country is more united and more racially inclusive than ever in

Six tell-tale signs that Will Smith may be a domestic abuser

Some people speculate that Will Smith may be prone to domestic violence.  Here we discuss three reasons that may indicate a pattern of domestic violence according to speculators. TakeSlap is a blog inspired by Will Smith's infamous assault on Chris Rock. We think that sometimes in defeat there is victory, and vice versa.  We put words together on an open session of streaming consciousness. 1.   Open hand slap                 A n open hand slap instead of a closed fist punch may be a classic sign of a domestic aggressor or home spanker.  The theory goes that spankers know that a punch will leave a mark, if not an open wound, on the victim.  An open hand slap delivers the message of dominance with less evidence, allowing spankers to continue the practice with potential impunity. 2.  Lack of hesitation           When Chris Rock referred to Jada Pinkett Smith as a "G.I Jane", Will Smith laughed.  Apparently, he liked the joke and found it funny initially.  Jada, however, rol

Will Smith Putin Trump

  Are powerful men immune to punishment these days?  No.  They are probably more vulnerable than ever.  Hence the rage and despair. Welcome to TakeSlap, a defeat and glory based inspired on Will Smith's infamous assault on Chris Brown. By the way, was this slapping incident staged?  Was this all a publicity stunt?   The questions above about a potential publicity stunt are being floated around.  What do you think?  Some say that Chris knew the slap was coming and embraced for impact.  Some say that Will's shouting "Keep my wife out of your f### mouth" was just to make the stunt credible.  After all, they are Hollywood actors capable of putting a realistic performance together on stage and in camera. The more information that we have, the less we seem to know.  Should we call that the paradox of information?  Is that what is so confusing about surviving the information age? Take Putin's Russia, for example. Information is controlled by the government to control the

Chris Rock owns Will Smith for life

Will Smith is now owned by Chris Rock. Chris took the slap, and Will is now his slave.  What a bargain price for such a great prize. is a blog startup about the art of turning every day defeat into all time glory.  It all began on the dawn of Will Smith's epic failure on the what would have otherwise been the most successful evening of his life.  We hope that you like and that can use it to your benefit and advantage in life.  In the game of life, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.  Don't be afraid of playing.  Don't be afraid of losing.  With training, we can learn to turn defeat into glory, and avoid turning glory into defeat.  The choice is ours to make.  While we cannot control major outcomes, we can direct mini processes.  We can stay in the game, improving a little and steadily every day.   We cannot change what things are, but we can change what they mean to us.  In that sense, we are in full control of our game, otherwise known as rea