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Six tell-tale signs that Will Smith may be a domestic abuser

Some people speculate that Will Smith may be prone to domestic violence.  Here we discuss three reasons that may indicate a pattern of domestic violence according to speculators.

TakeSlap is a blog inspired by Will Smith's infamous assault on Chris Rock. We think that sometimes in defeat there is victory, and vice versa.  We put words together on an open session of streaming consciousness.

1.  Open hand slap 

           An open hand slap instead of a closed fist punch may be a classic sign of a domestic aggressor or home spanker.  The theory goes that spankers know that a punch will leave a mark, if not an open wound, on the victim.  An open hand slap delivers the message of dominance with less evidence, allowing spankers to continue the practice with potential impunity.

2.  Lack of hesitation

        When Chris Rock referred to Jada Pinkett Smith as a "G.I Jane", Will Smith laughed.  Apparently, he liked the joke and found it funny initially.  Jada, however, rolled her eyes in apparent disgust towards the boys, Will and Chris.  Somehow, the rolling of the eyes signaled to Will that he was in trouble for having been caught laughing at her expense.  Without hesitation, Will stood up, walked onto the stage, and tried to save himself from Jada's wrath by violently, and without warning, slapping Chris Rock on the left cheek.  The lack of hesitation is seen by some as evidence of prior practice delivering face slaps.  

3.  Perfect Delivery

        Will Smith delivered the infamous slap over Chris Rock's left cheek with almost perfect coordination and sophistication.  Evidently, Will had prior experience delivering cheeky face slaps.  Whether he developed the facial slapping proficiency in the studio while training for roles such as portraying Mohammed Ali, at the gym working out to keep in shape, or at the household imposing some old-school discipline with Jada and the kids is unknown.  Yet, the slap was perfectly delivered showing some experience in the violent practice of slap assault.

4. No dueling.  

    Will Smith was not picking up a fight with Chris Rock.  Will did not invite Chris to fight him as a man would do if beginning a duel.  Will did not push Chris and raised his fists as indicating a willingness or intention to fight.  Will was not picking a fight with Chris.  Will simply slapped Chris's face, turned back, and walked away.  Will resembled an old-school authority figure, be it slave owner or domestic abuser, who delivered a physical reprimand and moved on knowing that the victim would not fight back.  

5.  Apparent lack of contemporaneous remorse.  Will Smith did not apologize to Chris Rock during the Oscars.  Will's  social media accounts later posted a manicured apology with a taste of fancy public relations writing.  Will's attitude immediately after the face slap was defiant and authoritative.  He did look like a domestic abuser. 

6.  Family confirmation.  Shortly after the  violent incident of Will Smith slapping the face of Chris Rock on live TV during the Oscars presentation, Jaden Smith confirmed on social media "And that's how we do it".  This may be seen as an admission about how instances of "disrespect" are handled at the Smith household.  Reportedly, Jada Smith was laughing after the smack.  She was not seen trying to calm down her husband he was shouting obscenities like a mad man.  Last, but not least, Will Smith himself joked that night about the consequences of inviting people from Philadelphia or Baltimore to fancy social events.  Does all that It all sounded like family confirmation of a pattern of domestic violence.  What do you think?

Hopefully Will Smith is not a domestic abuser.  As his social media apology states, he is a "work in progress" of a man and can redeem himself.  Best to Will in battling the struggle of the human condition.  In that struggle of temperance and continuous self improvement, we are all together.


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