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Great Replacement

Great Replacement vs Great Awakening

The Great Replacement is the observation that a segment of the American political left wants to control the Nation politically by replacing American born white voters with nonwhite immigrants. The Great Awakening is the counter observation that a segment of the American political right wants to control the Nation by instigating white rage and white supremacy. Both observations hold true in the eyes of their respective beholders. This is still the classic North vs South conflict in America. There is a lot of money to be made keeping our Nation together and avoiding a second civil war.  

TakeSlap serves spicy food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume all you can digest at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.

Parallel Trends  

Both the Great Replacement and the Great Awakening observations will continue growing in parallel tracks during the next decades. Over time, just by pure arithmetic, our Nation will continue growing more and more diverse. Banning abortions in conservative states will only accelerate the proportional growth of blacks and browns. 

Blacks, minorities, immigrants, women, Jews, and LGBTQs will continue rising in prominence due to the end of racism. Liberal and progressive parties will continue increasing diversity to increase growth and voter turnout. This will continue fueling the observation that pale whites are being replaced. 

Diversity and inclusion will give nonwhites the opportunities that whites negated them for so long. Nonwhites will continue increasing their relative prominence because they began from zero and can only go up. This will give some whites the impression that they are being replaced. 

Some whites with hurt feelings will succumb to white rage, which leads to white supremacy pipe dreams. White supremacy is about wanting to go back in time to the racist beginnings of our Nation. White supremacists honor a fairy tale of our history and communicate in codes. To "save" America is to save the cult of whiteness. To make America "great" again (MAGA) is code for Make America White Again (MAWA) and Make America Racist Again (MARA).   

Understanding Racism

Racism is a socio economic system that assigns privileges based on the social construct of race. While capitalism, for example, assigns privileges based on "capital" (money and private property), and communism assigns privileges based on political party affiliation (power and connections), racism assigns privileges based on the concept of "race" (e.g. beige skin and fallen hair).

Ending racism 

To end racism, we should realize that there is only one race, the human race. All humans, regardless of skin paleness or darkness, are descendants of the same African ancestors. All humans descend from African "pre-human" hominids that connect our species to the other African primates such as apes, chimpanzees, bonobos, etc. 

After walking out of Africa, humans conquered most of the world. It took thousands of years of walking and boating around until almost every corner of the planet was inhabited by humans. Those who settled early developed the first civilizations in places like Egypt and Greece. Those who settled last did not have enough time to develop advanced civilizations (e.g. Tainos in the Caribbean). 

As some tribes conquered and colonized others, the concept of a superior "race" was developed for the convenience of the conquerors. Europeans insisted on the observations of races to justify the brutal colonization of Africa and the Americas.  

One race; many features

Earth has different climatological and environmental conditions in its different its hemispheres, continents, and regions. The "shells" (e.g. skin, hair, nostrils, eyelids, etc) of our ancestors mutated externally as cells adapted to the different living conditions in different localities around the globe.  

The so-called "racial" characteristics of humans are adaptive traits inherited from the mutations of our respective tribal ancestors. Human cells mutated over time (thousands and thousands of years) to cope with the weather and other environmental factors.   

The prime contributor to "racial" adaptation is ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Think about baking. What you bake at higher temperatures and closer to the heat elements gets relatively darker and crispier than what you bake at lower temperatures and farther away from the heat. In a similar fashion, human tribes inhabiting warm areas with a high UV index, developed darker skin and crispier hair than humans surviving in the cold with their skins covered in animal furs.

Storytelling primates

Like all other living organisms, humans are organic computers. All living organisms are data processors evolving continuously over time. As far as we know, we are the most advanced life model around after four billion years of evolutionary trial and error. We are far from perfect. We simply have a nice central processing unit (CPU), which we call brain.

Human brains come equipped with many cool features inherited and evolutionary improved all the way from fish, reptiles, and other mammals. One of the most advanced and coolest features in our brain is the flash video card and "movie theater" display. 

Our brains can run imaginary visual images inside our head. With these animated motion pictures, we navigate around and create all sort of imaginary stories to fill our days. Our ability to tell stories is what sets us apart from our animal counterparts.

Creative creators

Humans are so good at storytelling that we even created stories about our creation. Every single primitive tribe throughout history had stories about their supernatural creation. Some stories were more complex and creative than others. Some were simple enough as to go viral and get many followers. 

The most popular creation story in the Western hemisphere is the story invented in the Middle East. Middle East tribes invented a story of a heavenly guy who created everything. The story is dull and outdated by our current standards. It would be easily discarded today and would not get many likes, retweets, or go viral. However, back in the Middle East thousands of years ago, the consolidation of all gods into one was an innovation that became popular. 

The key to the popularity of the Middle Eastern god story is its simplicity. While most other tribes had complex stories about multiple different deities with different supernatural powers and attributes, the Middle East folks consolidated all gods and powers into one single guy. From then on, they advanced a "my god is better than yours" global campaign, and issued the basic ethical and moral rules that still rule the Western world to this day.  

Stories and beliefs

Not unlike the story of gods, the story of "races" is believed to be true by many. It doesn't matter if the story makes sense or not. Whatever is connected in your brain synapses becomes the operational "truth" in your brain. You will find confirmation of your story everywhere. Humans "see" what they focus on based on the stories and beliefs running in their brains. 

Most people in the West replaced their beliefs in multiple gods with the observation of only one god. Similarly, people can replace their beliefs in multiple races with the observation of only one race, the human race. 


Religious education changed people's religious beliefs. We believe in God because synapses were created in our brains--typically as children--when we were first told the stories about God. With repetition and intuition, we connect the stories in our brains and form beliefs (connected neural synapses). 

In our brains, God is real because we have synapses connecting that belief. God is a clever invention because it cannot be proven true or false. God begins where human knowledge ends. And human knowledge always ends somewhere. 

The more we know, the more we know that we know nothing. Everything we "know" is a confirmation of prefabricated stories serving as the foundation of our knowledge. Take math as an example. Math begins with axioms that we created out of nowhere and that cannot be proven true or false (e.g. one plus one equals two). When math measures an observation, or even predicts a future one, math is not proving anything. Math is simply proving the initial axiomatic story. 


Progress, like human's perception of time itself, is unidirectional. It is easy to predict that the movement to end racism will continue advancing because whites are a minority in the world. Through brutal wars, colonization, and racism, whites obtained white supremacy that lasted for centuries. 

Globalization is putting an end to white supremacy. The world is more complicated now. China is geopolitically "woke" and competing for world domination. Nonwhite populations are the fastest populations. Future economic growth depends on the development of nonwhites. 

Whites will not be able to compete against China without augmenting the team with blacks and browns. From believing in multiple races, whites will eventually adopt the observation of only one race. This change will cure white rage just as believing in one god cures the fear of being alive. 

It will be interesting and fun to see how the next decades unfold. Bring out the popcorn. This movie will be super fun to watch. What do you think? 


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