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China wants Putin dead

Nuclear armageddon

As tensions escalate between Putin and the "West" (Europe and the United States) over Ukraine, the chances of nuclear armageddon keep increasing. Russia is the world's largest country by land mass and holds the world's deadliest nuclear arsenal. Putin wants to expand Russian territory by force. The West wants to bring down Putin. Make no mistake, the West and Russia are already at war. Luckily for the West, China also wants to defeat Putin.    

TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in stream of consciousness articles that will slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your cognitive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it family style with friends and frenemies. We're all in this together. Enjoy.

Regime change

The problem with changing regimes is that the next one may be worse than the current one. Whoever takes over Putin in Russia may be even more worse than him for Western and Chinese interests. From a practical standpoint, getting rid of Putin will be very hard. Mother nature may be the best bet to get rid of the primate. He is 69 years old and in less than a decade will be as old as Joe Biden old. 

Nature may not be quick enough. Advances in medical technologies may keep Putin alive and well for longer. Luckily humanity has not beat cancer. Hopefully Putin can get an aggressive type of pancreatic cancer that can recycle him back to the quantum wave. The story of poor communist KGB officer becoming world bully #1 is sickening.  If we are lucky, he gets terminally ill and passes away quickly. 


In the meantime, the West and China need to continue plotting how to get rid of Putin. Assassination by lethal poisoning sounds promising and is a Russian specialty. The world needs greedy oligarchs, brave Russian generals, and clever judges that can make it happen. The world needs to reward them with peace and vodka.

History shows that Russian regimes fall internally or from the inside. No one has successfully invaded and conquered Russia. A regime changing invasion can be discarded. The best bet is a domestic revolt financed by oligarchs, led by the military, and sanctioned by judges. The Russian people will move on quickly. The problem is Putin and not the Russian people.

China wants Putin dead

Conventional wisdom has it that China favors Putin. After all, Putin is a communist authoritarian that respects China's sovereignty. However, China's economic model depends on the West.  China cannot allow that one primate keeps slowing down China's economy.  

The West is China's golden cow. The West develops the technology that China steals by reverse engineering. China then gets to manufacture cheaper products for internal consumption and for exportation back to the West. The whole Chinese economic model depends on fat smart people in the West developing advanced technologies and buying everything made in China off the shelves in Walmart, online on Amazon, and so forth.

Putin is a threat to China 

If Putin keeps slowing down the world economy with his tsar boner, China's debt crisis will worsen. The Zero Covid policy is a mess, but that is an internal autocratic exercise. Putin is an external baby creating problems for everyone.  

If Putin goes nuclear, the West will fire back. China would be left alone in a cloud of radioactive dust.  China would need to develop Africa, South America, India, and South Asia ("ASAISA") by itself, which would prove prohibitively expensive and daunting.  Caucasian people will regroup in Australia and Canada, but it will take centuries for the world to get to where we are now in terms of development and sustainment.  

How to orchestrate a coup in Russia.

That is the biggest question of our times.  Best minds in the West and China are working on it.  How can the world recycle Putin back to the quantum wave. It can't be an amateurish attempt like Trump's January 6th fiasco. It would have to be a sophisticated operation beginning with a successful assassination and siege of the Kremlin.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Thanks nature, all humans are mortal. In average, we all have about 4,000 weeks to flourish before we perish.  Putin has enjoyed most of his weeks alive already. Death is coming soon to Putin one way or the other.  The world can't hardly wait. Burn in hell, Mr. Putin.

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