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For the love of hate: Why is good to hate?

                                                [This post was updated on April 29, 2022]

For the love of hate

Loving and helping others is the greatest source of joy. Hating is a close second. When we love and help others, our primate brains reward us with a pleasant neuro cocktail that we interpret as joy. Evolutionary, the reason is expected reciprocity. Our brains unconsciously believe that if we help others survive, they will help us survive in return. Tell a monkey brain that it will survive, and you tap into joy. Hating is quite joyful too. Evolutionary, the reason is that hating your enemies also helps you survive. Again, tell a monkey brain that it will survive, and you tap into joy.
TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in stream of consciousness articles that will slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your cognitive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it family style with friends and frenemies. We're all in this together. Enjoy.

What would Jesus do?

Jesus negated the power of hate. He was crucified. Endorsing a pacifist agenda at all cost is cost prohibitive for survival. There are dangerous humans like Hitler and Putin that become a menace to humanity. They must be hated enough to protect everyone else. Hating gives us the courage to stop them. 

Hating our enemies is a survival strategy. Say that you are given the opportunity to kill Putin by just pressing a button. If you love the guy or his humanity, you will not press the button.  If you hate him enough, you would press the button. Hate is the inverse force of love and from an evolutionary standpoint can be as vital as love.     

Hating is fun

Humans love hating. Culture has taught us to pretend that we do not enjoy hating others. However, with so many haters around, evidence shows that hate is a rampant part of human nature. Hating is heavily favored by evolution and natural selection.  Haters survive and their hate predisposition survives forward.  

Hating is energizing. Hating is part of human nature and serves a valid evolutionary purpose.  Think for example about hating Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. It's fun to hate them. We are sick--full of envy--of all these tech billionaires who think that they are better than anyone else. It's fun to keep them on check with our collective hate.  

Hating is useful

Think about hating Trump and Putin. It's useful to hate Trump so that we can save America from becoming a dictatorship. It's an patriotic Americans duty to hate Trump and the extreme followers who would look to repeat the January 6th coup. It's useful to hate all extremes (left and right) to protect a balanced democracy.  

It's better to have old Joe with all his senile defects than having Trump with all his third world country dictatorial effects. When it comes to a foreign enemy like Vladimir Genocide Putin, hate is also our best option. Loving Putin can get us all killed.  Putin is becoming the new Hitler. Hating Putin is useful to save America from him and from his protege, Donald Trump. 

Control hate

Don't be afraid of your monkey nature. Embrace it with self-control and discipline. Denial is not the solution. Temperance is the solution. Treasure and respect your power of hate as much as you treasure your power to love.  

Hate is a powerful emotion that can save the world. Keep it under control at all times.  By recognizing the power of hate and our animal nature, we stand a better chance at controlling ourselves. It is when you believe that you are a god, that you can become a demon. 

Be kind to yourself and others. Be happy and proud that evolution equipped you with the nuclear power of hate. Regulate it and control it at all times so that it does contaminate your brain and does not blow up on you. Keep hate as the nuclear deterrent in your survival arsenal. 

Does that make sense?


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