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Putin will retreat

                                                [This post was updated on Cinco de Mayo 2022]

The Perfect War

War is painful. Peace is pleasant. Life is a battle between pain and pleasure. Pain is always transient. In the long run, pleasure wins always in all ways and all the time. That is what we call progress. Putin made a costly mistake in invading Ukraine. The West (United States, the European Union, and Great Britain) are backing Ukraine all the way.  Ukraine's fighters are inspired and fighting from the moral high ground. Putin's conscripts and old soviet machines do not stand a chance. Putin is facing a potential coup orchestrated by the armed forces, the intelligence community, and the judges. The war is a fiasco and is threatening to bankrupt Russia. Russians will want to get rid of Putin to stop the humiliating  If Putin is as smart as Trump says that he is, he will retreat out of Ukraine as soon as possible. The West will billions in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in a stream of consciousness to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your cognitive digestive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this together. Enjoy.

Putin's collapse

One man against the world. A multinational coalition against a one man dictatorial conscription. Who do you think will win? Putin does not stand a chance. 

It would be different if Russians were fighting to defend their homeland. They would be fighting with the same Ukrainian spirit and from the same moral high ground from which Ukraine and the West are fighting today. Instead, Putin's soldiers are fighting for depreciated rubles and Vodka spirits. That is never enough to win a war. 

Moral high ground

Ukraine and the West are fighting from the moral high ground. Putin is fighting from a moral abyss. Humanity has seen this story unfold countless times in our epic history. In the end, the abysmal dictator goes down. Free people and inspired fighters prevail.

Putin's miscalculation  

Putin miscalculated the consequences of his "special military operation". Putin does not call it "war" because even the misinformed and under educated Russian population would know that an unprovoked war in Ukraine is unjustified. Putin's regime has gone an extra mile to disinform, going as far as criminalizing the use of the term "war" to describe the invasion of Ukraine. That is a sign of desperation from an authoritarian regime in the brinks of collapse.

The West and China win

One side's loss is another side's win. Contrary to conventional thinking, China is siding with the West.  The West is China's best customer and trading partner. Russia is a supplier and a nuclear menace. A weaker Russia is beneficial to China, the West, and the whole world. 

Putin is making it easy for Russia to become weaker and poorer.  For his own survival, Putin must retreat from Ukraine. Putin will declare victory by stating that his special operation weakened the "Nazis" and stopped the genocide of Russians. He will then retreat and try to retain power in the Kremlin.

TakeSlap predicts that Putin retreats in a few weeks. Bookmark this prediction.  Check back in a few weeks.  Let us know what you think. What is your prediction?


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