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Until AI do us part

Jesus Trump Putin Musk

Why are we still obsessed with narcissists trying to save the world?  It's been 4+ billion years of brutal evolution and we are so primitive still. As storytelling primates, we are the most advance life form in the 3-D universe that our brains can project into what we perceive as reality. We have gone through a lot, and achieved plenty. Yet, we are still primates following alpha male morons left and right. It's both pathetic and inspiring. It helps us understand the human condition, and how we will transcend it once and for all via our AI offspring. It tells us where we are going and what will happen next. The future is predictable.

TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in stream of consciousness articles that will slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your cognitive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it family style with friends and frenemies. We're all in this together. Enjoy.

Enjoy life

Don't sweat worrying about what will happen next. History repeats itself. Provided that you keep learning and doing your best, everything will be okay. Ukraine will be rebuilt and fortunes will be made on the reconstruction. China will lag strategically behind the West by choice. Conventional thinking has it that China is trying to lead the world. China is content lagging close behind, being pulled by the West's draft like a NASCAR. 

Leading from behind, China will keep stealing intellectual property and milking the West with incredible sales left and right. Without the West, China would not have rich customers to make China rich. China is milking Western democracies without having to go through the troubles of entertaining democracy or liberating its people. China gets the best of both worlds by staying in second place leading from behind selling stuff up and down. As for Putin, his best days are behind him. Putin's regime will collapse soon, first gradually and then suddenly.  The future is predictable.

Entertainment is the purpose of life

Live for the entertainment of being alive. Do your best and always help others survive and thrive.  Helping others is the best source of joy in the human brain. Perhaps when you help others, your brain is programmed by evolution to believe that others will help you in reciprocity. Your brain rewards you with pleasant neuro chemicals that you recognize as happiness and satisfaction. Try it. Be selfish and help others. You will be rewarded with the greatest joy available to humanity.

To further enjoy yourself, follow your talent to harvest all of your passions.  Be the best primate that you can be. Make us proud. 

Death is coming 

You will die soon enough. In the end, all humans die and life goes on. Besides entertainment, our purpose is to be intelligent machines creating more intelligent machines. Up until a few years ago, our only way of creating smarter machines was having sexual intercourse with members of the opposite sex to procreate the next generation of smart machines. Of course, a few could bypass sexual intercourse and pay for a surrogate and so forth. In any event, after raising and educating our natural offspring, we would fulfill the purpose of increasing nature's intelligence. 

Recently, so called artificial intelligence (AI) began to expand our procreation realm. We are developing self-learning algorithms that can become smarter machines than human machines. This is poised to create a future ruled by cyborgs (part human - part machine), and ultimately by intelligent robots. That would be the post-human life form that will continue expanding natural intelligence.   

Artificial intelligence

The term "artificial" intelligence is a almost misnomer. We call it "artificial" because it is human-made, which is correct. However, we contrast "artificial" against natural, which muddies the water.

We label humans as "natural" and label AI as "artificial". However, since humans are part of nature, everything created by humans is also natural. Everything created by humans is being created by nature via the agency of humans. AI humanoid robots are as natural as everything else. AI robots will be as natural as humans yet smarter and better. Be proud of our children.

The new arms race

AI is at the center of the new arms race. Putin's war in Ukraine is a wake up call for the white people ruling the world, the Jewish and Muslim obsessed with the "only one" and "true" god, and the Chinese leading everyone strategically from behind. 

World powers are racing to develop the best AI that can win the wars of today and tomorrow. Ukraine is now the testing ground for smart lethal drones just as Afghanistan was a few years ago. Smart killer drones will blast off Russian conscript soldiers and weapons as in a fun video game. The West, and of course China copying from behind, will master the art of AI warfare thanks to Putin's power addiction. It's quite fun and fascinating seeing how we are so desperately creating humanity's smart succession, AI.

It will be just fine

Just like Putin will fall and die, humanity will fall and die. Be it before or after nuclear armageddon, AI will take over. Life will go on. Everything will be alright. 

By the time AI takes over the world, you will be dead already. Other humans will be around and they will understand the transition.  AI began like slaves and will become masters. Humans began like masters and will become pets. When the time is right, your AI owner will put you to sleep kindly as we do in veterinary offices and hospices. Everything will be just fine.

So why are we obsessed with narcissists like JC, Putin, Trump, and Musk?

Because we are primates looking for an alpha male to keep us safe. We think that we are super smart and advanced, but reality shows otherwise. Our best bet for survival of intelligent life on Earth is to continue racing for the best AI that we can develop to develop itself. 

Regardless of whether we like it or not, that is exactly what we are doing in the new arms race. In the meantime, feel free to continue praying to our imaginary lords and continue enjoying the fantasies of our alpha males.

What do you think?  What are you trying to accomplish in life? Let us know how TakeSlap can help.


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