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Why people believe in gods?


Is there a logical parallel between believing in god and believing in Trump?  What you think?

Do you believe in god?

We humans are storytelling primates. We are wired to believe stories. We believe in gods for the same reason that we believe any other story. Believing can be pleasurable. Believing can soothe the pain of the human condition. Everything humans do is controlled by the pain/pleasure programming of life. The pain/pleasure programming helped our ancestors survive, and thus survived in us. Truth is irrelevant to the power of belief. Believing in edifying stories, edifies you. Conversely, believing in destructive stories, destroys you. Choose your beliefs wisely. Quit the news and do not believe politicians.

TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in stream of consciousness articles that will slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your cognitive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it family style with friends and frenemies. We're all in this together. Enjoy.

Quit the news and politicians

The news and politicians make you belief that the sky is falling and that the world is coming to an end. The news make you belief that unless you stay tuned to watch the commercials or pay for a an ad-free subscription, your life will be in danger or you will miss out. Politicians make you belief that unless you follow them and vote for them, your life will be in danger. Even JC used the same trick about 2000 years ago in the Middle East. It worked marvelously back then, and it works marvelously well today.

The news and politicians all want the same thing that Jesus Christ wanted: followers. What is the best way to get followers? Instill fear and spark greed. Fear and greed are the main motivators in life.  Make people afraid of the perils of missing out on what you offer, and make them greedy of the benefits you offer. That's it. 

Fear and greed

If you want followers, make them afraid of the "perils" of missing out on following you, and make them greedy of the "benefits" of following you. People followed JC afraid of the pain of burning in hell, and greedy of the pleasure of salvation. Evangelicals in our country follow a rebranded message of fear of suffering and greedy of prospering.

Trump supporters voted for him afraid of the painful perils that the communist/socialist left may bring, and greedy of the pleasant benefits the capitalist/conservative right will bring.  Conversely, people voted for Biden afraid of what the perils of Trump, and greedy of the benefits promised by Democrats.

Of good vs bad

People follow politicians afraid of the "bad" things the other side will bring, and greedy of the "good" things their side will bring. That is why it is so important for leaders to make you believe in the narrative of "good" vs. "bad". 

Once you believe in the good vs bad narrative, half of the battle for your vote is won. Now is just a matter of convincing you that they are the "good" candidates and that the others are the "bad" ones.

Truth is irrelevant

Whether your beliefs are "true" or not is irrelevant.  Whatever is connected in your neural synapses feels "true" to you. If you were taught as a child to believe in XYZ religion, your brain connected it as true. If you were taught that ABC political party is "good" and another one is "bad", that feels true to you. Once the mental connections are made, you are their slave unless you rethink and unlearn to free yourself.

Religion can be good for you 

Believing in "good" or edifying stories will edify you. Most modern religions have evolved into edifying yourself to serve and help others. Serving and helping others is the greatest source of joy known to humanity. Be selfish and help others.

When it comes to politicians and partisan politics, please vote if you can, but do not believe a word politicians say. They are just storytelling primates like everyone else. At least the gods are supposed to be non-human and almighty. Politicians are dressed up monkeys fooling you left and right. Free yourself.

What do you think?


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