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A good recession

The wolf is coming! A good recession is exactly what our country needs right now. Many economists and financial experts are predicting one. Therefore, a recession may not materialize. We are addicted to consumerism. Our politicians are hooked to spending and printing money to stay in power. A recession will come sooner or later, but probably when people least expects it. 

TakeSlap serves free food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.


Prepare everyday for a personal finance recession. It will come when you least expect it. Here are the three things you need to do to prepare: live within your means; increase your productivity; and build what others want. 

The first two are self-explanatory. The third one refers to trading. When you buy or build what people want, they will give you their money for it. 


Sooner or later you will be dead. Not many people will remember you. Even if the whole world remembers you, you will not care about it when you are dead. 

The time to enjoy your life journey is now. It is not when you have money or when you are recession-proof. The time is now; always now. Enjoying life does not cost a penny. All you need is a healthy brain and good imagination.  


Economists are crying wolf about an incoming recession. It is therefore unlikely.  People are addicted to consumerism. Politicians and government officials will keep spending and printing money to stay in power. 

The easy money party will continue until the American "empire" ends. That may be soon or later. We don't know. What we know is that the majority of people will keep getting fat. The same way, the country will continue getting fat in debt until a massive heart attack breaks the Nation apart. 


The immediate goal now is to tame inflation. People are complaining and bitching about prices being too high. Annual inflation of 10% should not be the end of the world. We can all consume 10% less without even noticing it. To tame inflation, buy less crap. 

Inflation is bad for savers because the value of saved cash goes down. Inflation is good for debtors because you can repay the debt with less valuable money.   


The economy is global these days. There is no going back. We are having a blast defeating Putin. If the man goes nuclear, that would bring an economic surprise. If the man is ousted by his own people, it is yet to be seen what will be the new order in Russia will look like and how it may impact the global economy.  

China is not ready to lead the global economy. Just look at how the communist regime is having a baby tantrum over COVID. Who would think that a "zero COVID" policy is feasible? How are you going to increase productivity and build what others want to trade if you are locked down?

Developing economies in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia are the keys to global economic growth. Why do you think that we have American troops in Somalia? It's not to get a sun tan. It's all about the money. 


After god, money is the most clever human invention of all times. Money is a payment technology (tool and method) to facilitate economic trade (exchange of products and services). Money allows for the valuation of goods, and for the payment of debts related to the transfer of those goods.

It's all good and there are unlimited goods around. The universe is practically infinite and continues expanding. The only limitation is our ignorance. Not only our ignorance about how to solve some problems, but also our failure to realize that problems are also unlimited. Don't waste your precious life hoping to life in a reality free of problems. Instead, embrace the notion that there is practically unlimited money to be made solving the practically unlimited problems of a practically unlimited universe.

Food for thought. What do you think?  


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