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America is divided and that's good

America is super divided and that is a good thing. Division is the source of our strength. From day one, our country has been deeply divided ideologically, politically, socially, and economically. We are a free country without forced group think by totalitarian monarchs or dictators. Freedom brings dissent. Free people think freely and different, which brings disagreement. That is not a bad thing. It's the source of innovation and what makes us strong. No pain, no gain. Debating ideas and allowing diversity of thought is what makes us strong. It's what allow us to be the leader of the free world. 

Slap Consulting serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking.  Carryout at 

America serves as the world's platform for the debate of ideas and ideologies. From the painful tug of war comes the light that guides us into leading the rest of the world. 

There is nothing to new to America's division. When you zoom in our history, you always find deep division and strong dissent. Unlike other countries dominated by monarchs or by dictators, America is the land of the free and people are free to disagree. Free people disagree. Ideas go to battle, and the best ideas win. 

Other countries make the mistake of opting for the comfort of conformity of thought and force their people to agree. That feels good, but does not lead to progress or innovation. It leads to stagnation.  In other countries, people make the mistake of surrendering their individual liberties to the government. They elect an alpha male that promises to bring consensus by persecuting and oppressing dissidence. That is when you see political incarcerations, torturing of dissidents, genocide, and so forth.

Whenever you feel uncomfortable by the fact that there is wide disagreement about almost everything in our country, be proud and grateful about it. That is the price of your freedom. People in countries like Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and son do not have the "problem" of disagreement. The government forces agreement a strong hand and an iron fist. 

A strong man may be enticing to you if you think that he will be enforcing your privileges and taking down your opponents. That is why the MAGA crowd favors the MAGA king. However, once you surrender your liberties to a dictator is very hard to get them back. You may love that original dictator, but you don't know if you will love him when power corrupts him completely or when he dies and someone else inherits all the power.  Trying to avoid disagreement, you may find yourself trapped living in a shitty ordinary dictatorship. It is better to be free to disagree than being forced to agree.

Do you agree? What do you think? Food for thought. 


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