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Hating billionaires and politicians

It is popular to hate billionaires and to hate politicians. It is even more popular to hate billionaires who became politicians like Trump, and to hate politicians who became billionaires like Putin. We humans love to hate because hate is the same as love, but in the opposite direction. Learning to hate well can help you live a better life.  

TakeSlap serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this feast together. Enjoy.


Humans are haters by nature. If you are honest and observant (aware), you can acknowledge that we humans love hating. We get energized by it. You can feel it if you pay attention to your body reactions when you actively hate something. 

Hate and love are energizing emotions. Love energizes us to fight--and die if necessary--to protect our loved ones. Hate energizes us to fight--and kill if necessary--to protect our loved ones. 

Animals who hate their enemies have higher chances of survival. Hating helped all of our animal ancestors survived, and thus survived in all of us. Moreover, those who are good at hate enjoy a competitive advantage or survival edge.


Understanding and appreciating our hating nature does not mean that we need to engage in hateful acts. We are haters by nature, but we do not need to perform hateful acts or crimes. What makes humans unique is our capacity to leverage temperance to control our natural animal instincts.


Denying our animal nature, including our predisposition towards hate, is counterproductive. We are storytelling primates and can easily fall into believing our own made up stories. God is the best example, but that is another story for another post. The same goes for the notion that we humans are not animals, but rather celestial creatures. Instead of denying our animal nature, we should acknowledge and appreciate it so that we can become better at controlling it.  


Hating is not only natural, but also pleasurable. We feel that rush of energy that the hate emotion triggers in our bodies. We should all learn and practice controlling our emotions so that we do not become their victims and slaves. If you commit hateful acts you will pay a hefty price ranging from censure through incarceration or even capital punishment depending on the severity of the hateful act. 


From an American perspective, it is fun and prudent to hate Putin with all of our heart. The man hates Americans and is a billionaire politician controlling the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Putin can destroy America if we let him. It is natural and patriotic for all Americans to hate Putin.  


From an American perspective, it is fun to hate Trump. Understandably, some Americans love Trump. Hate and love are essentially the same emotion in reverse direction. Unlike Putin, Trump does not hate all Americans. However, many Americans feel that Trump is a menace to our society and that could turn our democracy into a third world autocracy. Many of us are not willing to suspend disbelief as religious fools to surrender to Trump. 


We hate whatever we perceive as a threat to our survival, and we love whatever we perceive promotes our survival. This is all part of the pain / pleasure mechanism of life that we mention in almost every post. All living organisms survive by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. That pain / pleasure mechanism survived in all of us. Fear goes to pain, and greed goes to pleasure. We also inherited a fear of death and greed of survival. Therefore, we love what we think helps us survive and hate what we think makes us perish. 


Hating Putin can be an almost universal feeling amongst truly patriotic Americans because Putin is a military threat to our Nation. Hating Trump, on the other hand, is not universal in our country because some see him as a threat while others see him as a savior. Hating billionaires and politicians is equally relative. 


Many people hate billionaires and politicians out of envy on a zero sum mindset (i.e. if they win, we lose; if they have a fancy lifestyle, we won't, and that type of thinking). Envy on a zero sum mindset is the primary reason why so many people hate billionaires and politicians


Humans love or hate based on self interest. People who see billionaires and politicians as a threat to their own survival or wellbeing, hate them. People who see billionaires and politicians as an opportunity to enhance their own survival and wellbeing, love them. Whether you love or hate billionaires and politicians, of which ones you hate and which ones you love, all depends on your perception about to what extent they are making your life better and easier. 

Putin Trump

Many Russians love Putin for his promise to make Russia great again and save it from liberals. Many Americans love Trump for his promise to make America great again and save it from liberals. Love and hate are the same thing, but in opposite direction. People love or hate whatever they perceive as "good" (pleasurable) or "bad" (painful) for them. It's all about pain / pleasure. All.

Food for thought. What do you think? 


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