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How to defeat Putin and Trump

Putin and Trump are undeniably popular. They have millions of loyal followers in their respective camps. Both men appeal to the primal fears of their fellow primate followers. Both men offer to make their countries "great" again, and to "save" them from change. Their appeal is emotional. Millions follow them because we humans are emotional creatures controlled by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. 

TakeSlap serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this feast together. Enjoy.


Putin is 69 years old and battling cancer. Sooner or later, Putin will die. In the meantime, he will continue luring followers by manipulating the two basic emotions of life: fear and greed. Putin followers are fearful of change and greedy of "greatness". Putin sells ethnic Russian greatness. The price to be paid is surrendering to autocracy.  


Trump is 75 years old and battling obesity. A similar approach applies in our country. Sooner or later Trump will die. In the meantime he will continue luring followers by manipulating the two basic emotions of life: fear and greed. Trump followers are fearful of change and greedy of "greatness". Trump sells white American greatness. The price to be paid is surrendering to autocracy.


Putin wants to expand Russian territory. Trump wants to contain American behind a border wall. Putin  launches foreign wars. Trump pulled troops back. Putin is conducting ethnic "cleansing" by sacrificing non-Russian ethnic fighters in Ukraine. Trump "cleansed" Americans by deporting immigrants. 


Putin and Trump opponents fail because they rely on reasons and rational arguments. Humans are emotional creatures trapped by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Humans, like all other living organisms, survive by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Humans follow Putin and Trump because these Alpha men help them avoid the perceived pain of change (e.g. globalization and end of racism), and help them get "high" on the perceived pleasure of greatness (i.e. feeling superior to nonwhites or non-Russians, respectively). 


Trump lost the 2020 elections because he mismanaged the COVID crisis. Americans were more afraid of COVID than of cultural change. Americans were more "greedy" of surviving COVID than enjoying the greatness of American whiteness. Trump failed to realize it until it was too late. 

Putin can lose the support of his enablers if they are convinced that Putin mismanaged the Ukraine war. If Putin enablers become more afraid of following Putin into an abyss, they will put greed on hold to get rid of Putin. 


Putin and Trump are popular because their supporters are afraid of the perceived pain of social change, and greedy of the perceived pleasure of greatness. Fear is the best emotion to trump greed. Putin and Trump supporters will only abandon them if they become more afraid of following them than not to, and if they become more greedy of something other than the "greatness" they offer. 


COVID was the game changer for Trump in 2020. The Ukraine war can be the game changer for Putin in 2022. If people believe that these white men are leading them into an abyss, they will quickly abandon them. The best way to defeat Putin and Trump is to spread the primal (life or death) fears of following them while also spreading greed about rewards to be gained by replacing them.

Food for thought. What do you think?    


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