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Improving the economy

Don't focus on politics or the news about the economy. Focus on fixing your own economy. The secret to making money is to build what others want (BWOW). When you build what others want, they pay you for it. Here's a counterintuitive trick: to help others, focus on helping yourself. Be selfish. Chances are that whatever works for you, will work for a lot of other people facing similar circumstances. We're all the same storytelling primates gravitating around in the hologram of life.  

TakeSlap serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this feast together. Enjoy.


The big data revolution shows us that we are more similar than what we think. For example, when you are searching on Google, the AI algorithm can easily predict what you are looking for and complete the search query for you. The algorithm has learned what others search for in addition to learning what you typically search for. 


Your problems are oftentimes similar if not identical to the problems faced by a lot of other people. If you figure out how to solve your problems, you can sell the solution. All those similarly situated people facing the same problem will line up to pay for the solution.


Focus on yourself. Develop solutions to your own problems. Offer your solutions for sale. Even offer the process of finding solutions. Everyone can build a healthy community of customers theses days. The platforms are there. The needs and problems are there, and they keep coming and increasing. Develop solutions to your problems. That will help others facing similar problems.


Each side will make you believe that the sky is falling and that the world is going to end if you do not vote for them. Don't believe politicians. If you cannot see the good and bad on each side, you are a fanatic. If you believe that your party is the only one that is correct about everything, you haven been brain washed. 


Don't wish that the government solves problems for you. Problems are your opportunities to have fun developing solutions, and your opportunities to make money selling solutions. Each problem that the government solves for you, is one less opportunity for you. Yet, don't worry, because problems will keep popping up out of nowhere.  


Have fun solving problems. Be grateful of having all sorts of problems. Chances are that many others have the same or similar problems. That is your community to serve. People will pay you for solutions, or even for your attempts at creating solutions. Identify the problems in everything. Develop solutions. You will find that problems are the blessings to improve your own economy. 

What do you think? Food for thought. 


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