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Inflating the MAGA King

What if Trump is the messiah? Democrats and liberals hate Trump. He is a threat to our democracy. But let's run a mental exercise. What if Trump is re-elected in 2024 and magically solves all the problems of America and the world. What happens in 2028? Do we amend the Constitution to let him be our king? What happens when Trump dies eventually? Does Don Jr. inherit the throne? Time to wake up folks. This is America. We are too diverse ideologically. We're always be at the edge of a civil war unless we are united fighting foreign enemies. 

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Inflation is giving Trump supporters hope that the "MAGA King" can return to the "House of whites" in 2024. Trump's presidency from 2016 through 2020 was controversial to say the least. His re-election in 2020 seemed inevitable because the American economy was doing well. It is almost impossible to beat a sitting president when the economy is doing well. 

Along came COVID to trump Donald. Trump was unprepared to handle the COVID crisis. Trump fumbled the COVID ball repeatedly improvising cluelessly on prime time TV. Trump did not what to do or what to say. 

Trump does not follow advice, but rather shoots from the hip based on his "godly" intuition and "great" brain. Trump's brain did not have a frame of reference to deal with a global pandemic. The last pandemic had happened over a century ago a few decades before Trump was born.  

Trump's preparation for handling daily affairs is essentially limited to watching Fox News and flipping through the channels while eating a hamburger or a steak over some starch. Trump has a good political sense of how the masses will react to business and political news. A health crisis, however, was a different story. 

The COVID pandemic caught Trump off guard. Despite classified briefings about the potential serious implications of the virus, Trump followed his gut instinct of dismissing and denying. In Trump's view, if you ignore a problem and lie about it long enough, it eventually goes away.

COVID was resilient and could not care about human logic and mythology. COVID spread like a wildfire burning down Trump's chances of re-election. Trump was a reckless wreck handling the pandemic. Trump himself got COVID and was hospitalized showing that the virus did not respect human bravado. Americans kept getting infected and dying in alarming numbers.

Fear defeats greed

The majority of American voters got very scared seeing Trump's erratic handling of the COVID pandemic. Fear over the virus overcame fear about immigrants and blacks. Fear over the pandemic overcame the greed of making America white again. The MAGA crowd was deflated in comparison to the fearful crowds running to vote Trump out.  

Trump lost the election plain and square. Hillary had defeated Trump in the popular vote in 2016, but Hillary lost the electoral college vote. In 2020, Biden devastated Trump both in the popular vote and in the electoral college vote. 

Trump was convinced that only an F loser would lose to Joe Biden. Trump had promised in the campaign trail that that if he lost to Biden, we would not see him again in politics. He would go back to business life. 

Trump was in complete denial about his shameful loss to Joe Biden. Trump and his inner circle of white MAGA supremacists, tried to orchestrate a coup. Trump would convince key states to overturn the electoral results by alleging widespread voter fraud. Vice President Pence would then refuse to certify Biden's victory on January 6, 2021. At the same time, an angry mob would take over the Capitol to intimidate Congress. 

Trump envisioned that the moves to stay in power would create a Constitutional crisis and fascist chaos to be eventually decided by the Supreme Court packed with Trump's nominated Justices. One way or another, Trump envisioned himself staying in the house of whites regardless of democracy. The plan did not work out and failed miserably. Neither the key states nor Mike Pence went along with Trump's plans. The mob did attack Congress, but other than a failed circus of white supremacists showing the rest of America the dangers of the MAGA movement, the attack was a failure.

Inflated fears of inflation

Prices have increased significantly over the past year. Both during the final stages of Trump's presidency and during the early stages of Biden's presidency, the Federal Reserve printed money and Congress spent money in a record breaking fashion. About 5 trillion dollars were created out of nowhere to flood the economy with dollars. No one wanted to suffer economic pain due to the COVID pandemic. The government was called to step in and avoid any pain. Just like with the opioid epidemic the fear of pain created a bigger problem. The cure became worse than the illness. 

The U.S. government flooded the country and the world with free dollars in the form of stimulus checks and uncontrolled spending programs to artificially pump free money into the economy. Since COVID had impacted the production and distribution (supply chains) of goods worldwide, a lot of dollars began to chase limited goods. All of a sudden there was a record high amount of dollars in circulation chasing a record low amount of goods to buy. Due to the simple law of supply and demand, prices began to increase (inflation). 

Inflation is proving painful to Americans who are heavily addicted to avoiding pain. Millions are willing to re-elect Trump to see if he can make the pain go away. Can Trump make your pain go away? What are you willing to change in our country so that gasoline is cheap and we can continue burning the planet? What are you willing to do to continue buying crap in Walmart and Amazon? What are you willing to do so that the obese can buy cheap food? How low are you willing to "Make Prices Low Again"? 

Perhaps high prices are not a bad thing. There are silver linings to high prices. They include reduced senseless consumerism, reduced pollution, increased recycling, and increased innovation.  

Food for thought. What do you think?


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