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Is Putin white?

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Is Putin white? 

Conservatives and white supremacists are having a Putin problem these days. The standard convention is that the white race is good unless it is trash or mentally ill. Browns are terrorists, illegal immigrants, or both. Blacks are thugs. Asians are too many. Putin became a war criminal and is turning into Hitler. Conservatives and white supremacists don't know what to do about their secret love for the white boy. Some conservatives are dumb enough to blame Ukraine, or even imply that the war is fake. The only recourse for white supremacists is to expel Putin from the sacred white race.

TakeSlap offers spicy food for thought. We put words together in a stream of consciousness to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume it raw at your own risk. Season it to taste. Heat it up in your brain. Be sure to disagree with whatever does not agree with your digestive cognitive tolerance. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of our consulting service. Share it with friends and frenemies alike. We're all in this information buffet together. Enjoy.

Putin is a conservative super hero. 

Putin is a caucasian billionaire so he is not trash. Putin is a genius according to Trump. Many far right Americans including Trump secretly admire, love, and envy Putin. Only if they could be as strong as the Russian strongman. However, now that Putin's strength and autocratic success turned him into a war criminal, conservatives are having mental farts and a very upset stomach.  

Conservatives don't know how to cope with their secret feelings for Putin. They feel let down. They keep reading the news about the war in Ukraine trying to find holes in the story. In their little minds obsessed with white supremacy, they feel that somehow Ukraine is to blame for being raped by Putin. It's like a woman who is assaulted by a white man. Somehow is the woman's fault according to most conservatives.

Putin's conservative success turned him into modern-day Hitler. Conservatives are still in denial. Putin was their secret hero. Putin is a badass KGB dude, anti-abortion, anti-gays, anti-immigrants, anti-women, and anti-everything that is not white and conservative. Putin is also a devoted orthodox Christian for crying out loud. He is not an atheist and supposedly believes in the fiction of god.  He is not a Muslim or a Jew. Putin was the quintessential super white strongman for conservatives. Putin was the handler of Trump who is the "savior" of America so Putin was the "savior" of the white world.

Putin's skin is pale and his race is caucasian. Putin amassed so much conservative political power that he turned into a monster massacring civilians in Ukraine. Putin gives white supremacists a bad name. 

Conservatives are struggling with their Putin feelings. Confessing their Putin love would be political suicide. Condemning Putin would concede political points to Democrats and the whole liberal establishment in the world. Conservatives don't know what to do.  

Putin is not white.  Putin is a Russian communist. 

Putin has turned into a migraine for conservatives. Biden is supposedly senile, but is acting as a great Commander in Chief standing up to Putin. Liberals will make significant gains worldwide when Putin is defeated. Conservatives would like to see Putin crush liberalism, but cannot admit it.  

There is no easy solution for conservatives. Easiest solution may be to forego their secret love and admiration for Putin once and for all. That was an impossible love anyways. Putin hates America. Even Trump who is so loyal to Putin, should denounce Putin once and for all.  

Emotionally, the way out for conservatives and racists in America is to rationalize that Putin is not white and expel him from the whiteness club. Putin is not "white" in the American political context. Putin may be caucasian and pale, but is a slavic Russian communist. Whiteness is the cult of anglos and northwestern European traditional values. Eastern Europeans are accepted into the whiteness cult, but by invitation only. Putin is no longer invited to the American whiteness club.

Putin does not belong in the American whiteness cult.

American whiteness is the cult belief system that everything anglo and northwestern European is superior to everything else in the world. Putin, being Eastern European and anti-American, falls out of the American whiteness protection program.  

Whiteness is not necessarily about race. Blacks and browns who pledge allegiance to the whiteness cult are always welcome. Blacks and browns can even wear MAGA hats and join Trump rallies provided that they adore their white masters. The requisite for joining the whiteness cult is not being white, but is rather to believe in anglo whiteness and honor anglo white supremacy above all. Cult believers should also "know" that god is a white man sitting in heaven. He probably keeps a white beard and a beer belly. Jesus is his "white" boy sitting to his right. 

The racist way out for conservatives is to "explain" that Putin is not white. After all, white is supposed to be good and superior. Putin is evil and inferior.  

What do you think?  What should American conservatives do to survive their Putin existential crisis?


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