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Poor Elon, Trump, and Putin

Poor Musk, Trump, and Putin

The world is sick tired of wannabe "saviors" like Musk, Trump, and Putin. These three clowns are exactly the same crap meat sacks. They have five things in common that explain why the majority of people hate them so much. Musk, Trump, and Putin are: lunatics, narcissists, addicts, supremacists, and bullies. Those characteristics made them successful, but turned them dangerous.  

TakeSlap serves spicy food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume all you can digest at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.


Most likely this is not their fault, but rather a mental health genetic condition exacerbated by their upbringing and life experiences. Regardless of fault or reason, it is generally obvious that Musk, Trump, and Putin are missing a few "screws" in their primate brains. 

The fact that Musk, Trump, and Putin have mental health problems probably explains their drive and focus, which explains in part their extraordinary (in the strict sense of out of the ordinary) successes. Musk, Trump, and Putin brains operate and think differently than the majority of brains. We all can see it in their words and their actions. 


Continuing with their obvious mental health issues, Musk, Trump, and Putin are category one narcissists. They love themselves above everything else in the universe. They think of themselves in the highest of terms. 

This self love in and of itself is not problematic either and is also part of the reason why Musk, Trump, and Putin have enjoyed so much relative success in their lives. 


Musk, Trump, and Putin are addicted to work, money, and power. This trio derives so much pleasure pursuing money and power that they basically work 24/7 seeking that mental "high" of productivity. To describe them as workaholics is not enough. They are at a different level of addiction similar to top athletes and performers.

This work addiction is not healthy to the individual, but is not necessarily a clear and present danger to society. This work addiction may eventually kill Musk, Trump, and Putin of a massive heart attack. That is the most likely future cause of death of these three infamous lunatic narcissist addicts named Musk, Trump, and Putin. 


Here is the first common denominator between Musk, Putin, and Trump that make them dangerous and deplorable. They are racist supremacists. The first three common characteristics between Musk, Trump, and Putin (lunatics, narcissists, and workaholic addicts) are personally detrimental, but not necessarily socially deplorable. However, racist supremacy is a social peril endangering all of us regardless of the "race" that we may believe we are part of.

In reality, there is only one race, the human race. When powerful people like Musk, Trump, and Putin take on the social construct of race to disparage the oppressed and raise the supremacists, Houston, we've got a problem. 


Here is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Musk, Putin, and Trump are bullies. The three men punch down and hard on anyone they perceive as weak and inferior. Since they are supremacists, they perceive as inferior anyone who was not born with evolutionary (inherited) European adaptive mutations. 

Because Musk, Putin, and Trump are lunatics, narcissists, workaholics, supremacists, and bullies they see almost everyone as weak and inferior. This means that they bully anyone who steps in their way. The bullying can turn criminal like Putin's war crimes in Ukraine; can turn mass murderous and divisive like Trump's incitement of white supremacy; and can turn viciously corrosive as Musk's bullying of anyone who does not share his South African right supremacy ideals.  


Musk, Trump, and Putin give "white" men a bad name. They became victims of their own success. The characteristics that helped them become successful ultimately led them to their downfall. Putin is  a war criminal. Trump is a four time bankrupted, twice impeached, MAGA loser that tried to overturn American democracy to avoid accepting that Joe Biden beat him easily in the 2020 elections. Musk in beginning to lose his business touch as people are coming to the realization that he is a South African supremacist and a sex predator.

Food for thought. What do you think? 



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