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Putin Silver Lining

Putin can unify us. Fighting a common enemy is the best way to unify diverse groups of people. The United States of America is a widely diverse country with a violent history. When we channel our violence into fighting a common enemy, we come out stronger and lead the world. Putin is the new Hitler, and can unify us in defeating him to continue saving the free world. 

TakeSlap serves food for thought. We toss words together to slap your brain into innovative thinking. Consume it at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this feast together. Enjoy.


Thousands of years ago, Asians crossed Russia (Siberia) into Alaska. Eventually these Asian populations spread out throughout the Americas. Since they spent so much time migrating, the were a few steps behind in civilization when compared to tribes that had settled down for longer in the old world.


The early Asians who migrated to the Americas were later known as the "Native" Americans. Humans, however, are only native to Africa from where they migrated to gradually populate all other continents, regions, and islands of the planet. We are amazing primates, all members of the one and only race, the human race. 


The Spanish crown financed a maritime venture to find a transatlantic trade route to Asia. The crew stumbled upon a new world with two continents inhabited Asians. These continents were later named the Americas.


After Hispanics discovered the Americas inhabited by primitive Asians, English immigrants also ventured west into the Atlantic. The British immigrants settled down and established thirteen colonies in North America. These 13 colonies eventually fought an independence war that gave birth to the United States of America.


Violence is the common denominator of American history. Violence displaced the Asian Americans inhabiting the land. Violence enslaved Africans to work the new land. Violence in the Independence War liberated the 13 colonies from the King of England, and founded our Nation. Violence in the Civil War kept the Nation together and freed the slaves. Violence extended the United States out west and into the Mexican Southwest. Violence created a police state against nonwhites in favor of whites. Violence in foreign wars gave the United States a lead role in the world. 

Bearing arms is a fundamental constitutional right in our Nation. Bad things happen when anyone can buy a gun like mass shootings and violent acts of crime. That is part of the price we pay for living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Some don't like it and are free to move out or lobby politicians for change. In the meantime, it is better to accept the reality that we live in a violent and heavily armed country. 

Having a common enemy is what unifies diverse people. For early European settlers of diverse social backgrounds, common enemies included indigenous populations and rival European nations. For the 13 colonies, the King of England taxing them without representation was the common enemy. For the industrial North, the agricultural South was the enemy, and vice versa. For Southerners after the Civil War, blacks became the common enemy. In foreign wars, Nazis, communists, and terrorists became common enemies. Conservatives are the common enemy of liberals, and vice versa.  


Putin brings a great opportunity to unify the United States and the free world in fighting the Hitler of our times. Putin is a brutal dictator who hates America, and wants to take over the world. Putin is committing war crimes and genocide in Ukraine. If he succeeds in Ukraine, he will continue moving East. If he could, he would destroy America too. 


Putin presents the opportunity of having a common enemy to unify our country.  The ideological differences between conservatives and liberals domestically (Republicans vs Democrats) do not seem to have an easy solution. It is unlikely that either side change its dogmas. However, Americans on both sides of the political spectrum may agree that Putin is the new Hitler that must be defeated in Europe before he takes over the world.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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