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The Great Racial Replacement

The Great Racial Replacement 

Many "whites" are living in raging fear (white rage) of being replaced by nonwhites. Fear no more and rejoice! Have faith. Turning into violent neanderthugs committing mass murders and KKK hate crimes will not help. The solution is to realize once and for all that there is only one race, the human race. 

TakeSlap serves spicy food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume all you can digest at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.

Polytheist Barbarians

The greatest replacement in white history was the replacement of pagan gods with one Middle Eastern god. The so-called "white" race descends from nordic barbaric tribes who believed in many different gods. All primitive tribes in the world believed in multiple gods. 

Believing in multiple gods (polytheism) is the standard or default setting in the human collective mind. All primitive tribes documented in history believed in several different deities with super natural powers. Reality for them was like a Marvel superhero movie with cool and colorful stories about gods and semi gods with supernatural powers. 

Middle East Morality

Along came a Middle Eastern tribe to change it all. The polytheistic fun was replaced with a dull and boring ruthless god judging earthlings night and day. This vicious god would create humans to torture them on Earth before deciding whether to save them or send them to burn in hell. 

Anyone with a brain would hate and fear such an evil god. Along came an influencer to rebrand that god into a caring and lovely father. The influencer proclaimed himself as the savior and through his death he would free all humans from hell. By following the gospel of love, and loving one another as god loved them, humans could reach salvation here and now on Earth. 


The teachings of the greatest social influencer of all times changed the world and made it a better place. No longer humans have to live in fear. Humans can now enjoy their existence knowing that whatever happens, they will be rewarded in heaven. The credo went viral and spread like wildfire amongst the poor and oppressed. 

Great Conversion

Initially, rulers fought the influencer's religion like if it was the plague. Eventually, they realize that if you cannot beat them is better to join them. Rulers converted to the new dogma and use it to control the masses more easily. They argued that their power on Earth came straight from the man upstairs. That was the one and only god, and the ruler was the one and only chosen one. 

It took a lot of time to convert barbaric whites to the theology of one and only god. It will take a long time to convert humanity now to the observation that there is only one race, the human race. It is worth trying. There is a lot of money to be made ending racism. 


Racism begins with believing that there are many "races". The so-called races are just ancestral adaptations to climatological conditions. If your skin is pale and your hair is dull, it simply means that your immediate ancestors lived in cold places with low indexes of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. If your skin is dark and your hair is crispy, it simply means that your ancestors lived in warm places with a high UV index. 

Ending racism

Ending racism is about ending the belief in multiple races. Just like barbaric polytheists were converted into believing in one god, barbarian descendants can be converted to observing only one race, the human race. 

It will take decades to convert humanity into the only one race mindset. It is a worthy investment because it will united the human race.  

What do you think? 


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