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Zelensky: Person of the Year

Zelenski: Person of the Year

It's too early to tell whether Time magazine will recognize Ukraine's president Zelensky as the Person of the Year for 2022. Zelensky is so far the Person of the Half Year. Zelenski is putting a stop to Putin. Zelenski has rallied the world into defending democracy and beating autocracy. Trump supporters in America are bitter and suffering of white rage like Putin is suffering from soviet rage. 

TakeSlap serves spicy food for thought. We toss words together to slap you into innovative thinking. Consume all you can digest at your own risk. Take it with a grain of salt as a free sample of Slap Consulting. Share it with friends and frenemies. We're all in this info feast together. Enjoy.

Putin Trump

As the online memes used say: Trump was not elected; he was Put-in place. Putin recognizes Trump as a dictator wannabe that can destroy America. In 2016, Putin's regime manipulated social media echo chambers to turn many Americans into Trump junkies. Hillary Clinton and the democrats would stand up against Putin. Trump and the far right would do what Putin wants. 

Putin wanted to weaken NATO. Trump tried to defund NATO and was about to pull the United States out it. Putin wanted to weaken Ukraine. Trump withheld funding from Ukraine. Trump's first impeachment was precisely for withholding assistance from Ukraine in exchange for information against Biden. 

Pain Pleasure

Life can be confusing when you are unaware of its simple pain / pleasure mechanism. All living organisms survive by seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. That is how all your ancestors survived. Therefore, the pain / pleasure "trait" survived in you. 

Everything humans do can be easily explained in the context of the pain / pleasure algorithm of life. The tricky part is that humans can associate physical pain with mental pleasure, and vice versa. In addition, what is either painful or pleasurable can vary from person to person, and from time to time in the same person. People change when their pain / pleasure mental associations change. People behave in accordance with their pain / pleasure mental connections.

White supremacists

White supremacists love Putin and Trump and hate nonwhites. Trump is a Putin wannabe. Trump would do to Mexicans what Putin is doing to Ukrainians. Some people would hate that. Other people would love it. Some people could alternate or change back and forth depending on the fluidity of their pain / pleasure mental associations. 

Whit supremacists believe that life would be more pleasurable for them if nonwhites were enslaved or exterminated. Putin believes that life would be more pleasurable for him if Ukrainians were enslaved or exterminated. White supremacists and Putin are the same thing. Not surprisingly, white supremacists opposed helping Zelensky resist Putin's invasion. 


Folks opposing assisting Zelensky are helping Putin. That is dangerously close to treason because everyone knows that Putin hates America and would destroy us if he had the chance. Putin would rule the whole world if he could, or share it with the other communist superpower, China. 

Rationally, every American knows that it is better to help Zelensky, our Person of the Year, than to help Putin, the war criminal of the century.  However, some conservatives have emotional conflicts about it because Zelensky is a democratically elected liberal whereas Putin is an anti-liberal or illiberal dictator. As the events at our Capitol on January 6, 2021, some far right Trump supporters are so anti-liberal that they would rather end our democracy and make Trump their dictator than to share democratic power with liberals.


The excuses articulated by Trump supporters to be against helping Zelensky's fight against Putin include that our country should not spend money on foreign countries and that democrats will steal the funds. Chances are that the true reason behind not wanting to help Ukraine is racism. Trump supporters would rather end American democracy and surrender the Nation to a white supremacist dictator than to see nonwhites prosper. 

White supremacists live in a zero sum bubble. They think that if nonwhites prosper, they would inevitably suffer. That will not be the case because economic growth and progress helps everyone. More to follow on this on future posts. For now, let us celebrate the life and accomplishments of our Person of the Year candidate, Zelensky.

What do you think?    


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