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Aborting Whiteness

MAGA is a movement of white pain. Whites are becoming a minority, and are afraid of losing the privileges accumulated after centuries of racism and colonization. Beer and politicians are the pain killers of choice. Bud Light and Trump run deep in the MAGA red zone. There is nothing to be afraid of folks. Diversity is not about the oppression of any "race", but rather about celebrating our individual differences knowing that we are all members of the only one race, the human race.  

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Aborting Whiteness

Americans are growing out of the whiteness cult. Whiteness is the cult belief that everything "white" (anglo or northwestern European) is inherently superior to anything else in the world. Whiteness derives from history and tradition marked by centuries of racism and colonization. American culture is growing strong in diversity and inclusion.  

Most Americans know that no single group of people on Earth is responsible for all problems. Most importantly, no single group of people on Earth can solve all problems. Americans know intuitively that diversity is what makes our Nation truly great. We are all better off leveraging everyone's talents regardless of their color or so-called ancestral "race".


The "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) slogan is code for "Make America White Again". MAGA folks are living in social angst and mental pain. Bud Light and Trump are their pain killers of choice. MAGA folks are afraid of becoming a minority in the USA. They treasure history and realize the historic treatment of minorities in our country. MAGA folks are afraid of losing the socio economic benefits derived from historic and systemic racism in our country. 

Whites will be the minority soon. Nonwhites are having more babies. The Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v Wade will accelerate the population growth of blacks and latinos in the country. Democrats practiced nonwhite population control by promoting abortions for black and latino women. Why conservative Justices want to expand the black and latino population is hard to understand, but it could be tied to blind Christian faith, which works like a mental illness. Also, Justice Thomas is a black man married to a white woman and perhaps his style is influencing the Court's conservative majority.   

Africans in Europe

What we fondly refer to as "white" people today are the ancestral descendants of African primates who migrated to Europe several thousands of years ago. All humans are of African descent. All humans are primates and straight descendants from other African primates. 

All human follow the ancestral lineage of chimpanzees and bonobos. There were many ancestral homo species between chimps / bonobos and humans, but they went extinct. If you think of chimpanzees and bonobos as analog phones, we humans are the iphones. We would be the iphone 9 or 10 model. Homo "iphone" models before us included the homo habilis, the homo erectus, the homo neanderthalis, the homo desinovan, and others.

White wars and white sex

The homo neanderthalis or neanderthals had migrated out of Africa and settled in Europe millennia before homo sapiens migrated out of Africa into Europe. When homo sapiens reached Europe, they found the neanderthals already there. As everything else in Europe, it was all settled in war and sex. The homo sapiens and the neanderthals fought wars and interbred. To some extent, Europeans can be considered a mixed race between neanderthals and humans, but more research would be required to reach such a controversial conclusion. 

Interbreeding is a constant in our species. By now we are all members of the same human race. Beyond sex, another constant in human life, especially in Europe, has been war. Europe was a continent in constant war. Therefore, the "white" people developed into a world class of violent and belligerent warriors. Since practice makes perfect, Europeans became the most belligerent civilization in human history. After millennia killing each other nonstop in bloody "white wars", Europeans globalized war and ended up conquering and colonizing most of the world.  

Storytelling primates and believers

Regardless of our so-called "race" and heritage, we humans are all storytelling primates. We are so good at creating stories that we end up believing our own stories. That is specially true when we learn the stories as children. The best example in case is the seemingly endless set of stories about supernatural creatures and the so-called "gods". 

Primitive humans afraid of the unknown invented stories about gods ruling us from above. Of course, the human rulers told the stories scribing to themselves superior knowledge of the gods, and special deals with the gods. Europeans were very creative and had invented many different gods. That was also the case in most other civilizations around the world. Polytheism, the belief is many gods, was always the human norm.

Along came the Jews   

Middle Eastern story tellers had the audacity of consolidating all fictional gods of mankind into the fiction of only one god, a guy in heaven. This was highly controversial at the time. Europeans adored their native polytheism and did not want to abandon it for a foreign monotheistic faith. 

Christianity was simple enough and eventually prevailed, conquering all Europe. The only one god story gradually became the law of the land across the European continent. The story of one only was god was politically convenient to the rulers. All they had to do to create legitimacy of their ruling was to make the masses believe that their power was granted by the only one god in heaven.

Mr Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun 

While the source of monarch power was a fiction, the color of human skin does come from above. The color of human skin varies based on the ancestral exposure level to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun. Human tribes that settled near the equator line developed darker skin than tribes that settled up north and away from the equator. 

The tilt of the axis of Earth and the atmosphere make UV radiation higher and stronger along the equator line than in northern latitudes. If you think of the sun as an oven, and the Earth as a rotisserie, you can visualize how some human tribes got more burned than others over time. 

Color coding colonization

Color coding humans is wrong and ineffective. The reference to "white" skin is also a misnomer. European skin tends to run in shades of beige, but is rarely pale white. If you compare your skin or any white skin to the color of white socks or white t-shirts you see the color beige in all white people. Of course, in comparison or contrast to brown and black sin, beige skin resembles white. 

Classifying humans by the color of the skin is a primitive and unproductive social tradition. Color coding humanity can lead to the "us vs them" mindset that is killing MAGA folks in social angst and pain. Color coding humanity creates division and resentment.  

It's time to move on. Regardless of the climatological and environmental adaptations that the masses refer to as "races", we are all humans. We are all members of the only one race: the human race.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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