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Abortions for the greater good

Abortions serve the greater good of humanity. Yes, human life does begin at conception. Yes, an innocent person should not be murdered. However, a human embryo is not yet a person.  Forcing a woman to carry on an unwanted pregnancy is cruel and unusual punishment. Humanely ending the life of her unwanted human embryo (e.g. without pain under anesthesia) saves the life of the mother, and saves the embryo from the pain and suffering of not having a loving mother. Religious beliefs cannot be imposed on non-believers. 

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Life begins at conception

As soon as the male sperm fertilizes the female egg, human life begins. The embryo carries the potential of becoming a person. Human embryos need the loving care of a mother to flourish into a born person. 

While some women would metaphorically kill for the opportunity to be pregnant, other women prefer to end their pregnancies by killing unwanted embryos. That is a woman's choice to make. When done under proper medical supervision, terminating the life of an unwanted human embryo is not painful for either the woman or the embryo. Such abortion is also the most humane way forward to save the sanctity of the woman's life, and avoid unnecessary pain and suffering for a future person to the benefit of humanity.

Murder she wrote

We all agree that innocent persons should not be murdered. It happens every day, but it should not.  However, a human embryo is not yet a person. A human embryo is a cell cluster with the potential of becoming a person. That potential requires the lifelong cooperation of a loving mother, hopefully a loving father, and a loving society. 

We all agree that real life is not a fairy tale. Real life brings with it a lot of pain and suffering. Not every woman is prepared or capable of being a loving mother. Becoming pregnant is not the same as becoming a good mother. If the pregnant woman wants to become a mother, there is nothing that society should do to stop her. Instead, society should help her and support her. Likewise, if the woman wants to end the pregnancy, there is nothing that society should do to stop her. Instead, society should help her and support her. 

Cruel and unusual punishment

Not all embryos have loving parents or loving environments where they can flourish to their maximum potential without unnecessary pain and suffering. The first litmus test is whether the embryo has a caring and loving mother. If the mother does not want the embryo, that is all we need to know. If the mother wants to end the pregnancy, society should help her to avoid spreading any more unnecessary pain and suffering. 

Forcing a woman to carry on an unwanted pregnancy is cruel and unusual punishment for both the woman and the embryo. The woman would be forced to end her current life as she knows it and wants it to become a full term pregnant woman and eventually a mother. The embryo would be forced to develop in an unloving environment and be born deprived of love and care. If the embryo could choose, it would choose to be recycled back into the cellular bloodstream without having to live a life of unnecessary and forced pain and suffering. 

The greater good

Ending the life of an unwanted human embryo is more humane than forcing the embryo to become an unwanted person. When done under proper medical supervision and anesthesia, the embryo does not feel any pain. And of course, the embryo is a cell cluster that will not suffer any emotional suffering. 

Societies should replace any and all inhumane, painful, and unsafe abortions with humane and medically administered abortions under proper care and pain medication. That is the optimal balance between the interests of a mother and her unwanted embryo.

Food for thought. What do you think? 


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