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Biden Presidential Medal of Freedom for Mike Pence?

Not even Walmart wants to sleep with MAGA anymore. Walmart announced today that it is cutting the contract with My Pillow, a company owned by a MAGA lunatic. When we think about people of Walmart, we think of MAGA people. Seeing that not even Walmart wants to be associated with the MAGA cult is quite impressive. Also in the news today is how the prices of meat are expected to keep increasing. We cannot be happier for cattle, and for humans too. The less animals we kill the better. The less dead animal meat we eat, the better. Don't take our word for it. Try it.  

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Walmart shoppers will find other pillows to buy. Cutting ties with the My Pillow guy seems like a reasonable move because the guy seems stuck on Trump. By cutting ties with the MyPillow guy, Walmart is signaling to be cutting ties with Trump too. 

Everyone is abandoning Trump, which could be a "good" thing or a "bad" thing depending on who replaces him as the leader of the MAGA confederacy. Perhaps Trump's successor can be worse than him and more difficult to beat. Trump is the easiest Republican to beat in a general election. Everybody knows his game by now. He is completely predictable and very easy to defeat. After all, he is the biggest loser in our history.  

Dirty Laundry

The January 6th Hearings are killing the Trump brand. Just like the MyPillow guy, Trump is stinking heavily. Most Americans treasure our history and our democracy. To learn that Trump viciously ordered his VP, Mike Pence, to certify him as President in violation of the Constitution is quite aggravating to the vast majority of us. Trump is a clear and present danger to American democracy.  

Even if we find Trump entertaining, we are not suckers. Even if we believe that Trump could bring lower prices at the pump and at the grocery store so that we can drive and eat more to become even more fat, we know that our democracy is worth more than that. 

Lower gas prices

If low gas prices were the benchmark for greatness, Venezuela and Nigeria--just to cite two examples--would be super great. Gasoline in Venezuela is about 80 cents a gallon. Gasoline in Nigeria is about $1.80 a gallon. Who wants to live in those places? Are they better than the United States? Of course, not. Cheap gas prices are a good to have, but we will not trade our democracy for cheap gas or cheap food. 

If you cannot afford gas or groceries, Trump will call you a loser. Drive less and eat less. Produce more and make more money. If everything else fails on the loser camp, use public transportation and food stamps. We are not turning into Venezuela, Nigeria, Russia, or any other place like that just because you are not making enough money. Learn from Trump. He became rich in one of the most expensive cities in the world. High prices were not an obstacle, but rather a money-making opportunity. Figure it out.

Love is love

MAGA folks still love Trump. Love is love. They should be allowed to live their own lives and believe in their own king. That is part of democracy. That is part of diversity. We are all smart monkeys (storytelling primates), but we do not have to think or feel the same way. 

In democracies, the majority rules over the minority. Trump never won the majority of votes. Trump lost the popular vote against both Hillary and against Biden. Against Hillary, Trump won the electoral college vote. Against Biden, Trump lost both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. Trump is not only the biggest loser in the history of the presidency, but the fattest sore loser of all times.

Rules are rules

Even if many country folks love Trump, there are rules that all Americans--event Presidents--must follow. No one is above the law. There are rules that we have to follow whether we like them or not. That is part of what is called the rule of law. 

The January 6th hearings are putting together solid evidence indicating that Trump and some of his closest white supremacy allies may have committed various federal crimes trying to avoid the transition of power from Trump to Biden. Even if the Department of Justice does not indict Trump, it is important the crimes be exposed to the public. They are part of our history. Everyone should know how the 45th President tried to cling to power even after knowing full well that he had lost the election. It is an embarrassment for all of us that think that our Nation is above banana republic conduct, but it is what it is. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. 

Till Social Media do us part

The founding fathers had no idea about social media and digital technology. We do. Trump does. Trump knows social media well. Trump is proving that social media is a double edged sword. Trump is using social media to rally support in the MAGA world, but at the same time he's nailing his own political coffin in the normal world.

Trump now partially owns a social media platform. Anyone who has installed the app is going in a database flagged for potential MAGA supporters and domestic insurrectionists. Trump's app makes it even easier for the government and private companies to track dangerous white supremacy in America.  

Presidential Medal of Freedom

Trump's social media network is allowing everyone to know that Trump is still proud of the January 6th insurrection and the attempts to kill Vice President Pence. In the normal world though, Pence is becoming a national hero who almost single handedly saved our democracy by refusing to follow Trump's presidential orders to end our republic.

President Biden should honor Vice President with a Presidential Medal of Freedom, which the highest civilian honor in our Nation. This will demonstrate that democracy is more than politics. In saving our Nation and upholding our Constitution, we are not Democrats vs Republicans. We are all Americans. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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