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Democracy is better than war

Politics is the best sport on Earth. Democracy is not perfect; it's simply a substitute for war. For democracy to work, the loser of the contest must accept defeat. All sitting presidents of the United States who have lost elections while in power have accepted defeat except one, Trump. Mounting evidence against Trump coming from the January 6th Hearings seems to indicate that Trump planned a violent coup to stay in power even after knowing that he had lost the elections. If that is the case, Trump should be indicted and prosecuted to preserve the rule of law and secure the future of democracy.

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Democracy vs war

In the old days, political power was gained by waging war. Opposing groups would go to battle. Whoever won the war would get the political power. All major civilizations developed their status by becoming experts at war. 

Whoever had the best armies and weapons would typically win. That is still the case to this date, and that is why it is imperative that we keep investing in our National defense. Otherwise, Russia, China, Iran, or whoever else would try to conquer the United States. That is guaranteed.

White wars

Our European ("white") partial ancestry and cultural roots come in handy when it comes to violence and war. Europe was a brutally deadly region besieged by constant war. European history can be seen as an account of white folks killing each other to gain real estate and political power. 

Most technological advances in human history were due to the need of winning wars. Need is the mother of invention. Practice also makes perfect. European armies became so good at the art of war that they eventually conquered most of the world. 

Information wars

Today in the United States we are at war, but luckily it's an information war. Democracy is a substitute for conventional war. Instead of killing each other for power, people vote. In democracies, instead of soldiers and armies going to war, ideas and ideologies go to war. Whichever ideology gets the most support and can mobilize more voters wins. 

Information wars are emotionally taxing and cognitively challenging, but they are a piece of sugary cake compared to conventional warfare. The parties and candidates wining the information wars get to power without having to kill anyone and without facing the risk of being killed by their opponents.

Good losers

Democracy depends on having good losers. For democracy to work, the loser of the political contest must accept defeat and move on. If a loser is in power and refuses to accept defeat, democracy gets in trouble. All U.S. presidents in history have peacefully accepted defeat except one, Trump. 

Trump is being prosecuted politically in the court of public opinion in the January 6th Hearings. Depending on the weight of the evidence presented against Trump, he may also face criminal prosecution at some point in time. 

Ideologies at war

Democrats cannot expect that Republicans will agree to the criminal prosecution of Trump. If it had been Obama the one attempting a coup, Republicans would have already convicted him. But Trump is white and Obama is black. The same rules do not apply.

In our country, criminal laws are enforced differently against blacks than against whites. Our country was founded and established by European racists and slave owners. We have come a long way towards equality of the so-called "races", but we are not there yet.

Prosecuting Trump

Prosecuting Trump will be an excellent move toward defending the rule of law. Trump has nothing to lose. Trump will be presumed innocence until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. Trump will be the center of attention for months. Trump will hire the best defense attorneys in the country at no cost. MAGA will foot all the bills. Even if Trump is convicted, he will be pardoned by the next Republican president. 

If we have to prosecute Hunter, Ivanka, and Jared for making hundreds of millions selling influence, let's do it. Let's investigate, follow the evidence wherever it leads us. If Biden or any other Democrat is a pedophile groomer, and there is evidence, let's prosecute them also. 

Democracy is not perfect. Democracy is just a substitute for bloody wars.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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