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Guns and abortions

If you don't like the direction where conservatives are going, you have an easy option: vote Democrat. Conversely, if you don't like the direction where liberals are going, you have an easy option: vote Republican. Free your mind, free your vote. Vote for whatever it is you believe in. 

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The conservative majority in the U.S. Supreme Court is on a roll. This week the Court ruled in favor of gun rights, and ruled against abortion rights. Conservatives are pro gun rights, and against abortion rights. Liberals tend to be against guns, and tend to be pro-abortion. 

This is not about right vs wrong. Those are labels. What for some people may be right may be wrong for others, and vice versa. We live in a diverse nation and should be proud of our wide and strong diversity of thought. 

Diversity of thought

Conservatives look to history and tradition to decide the course of their lives. Progressives look to modernity and trends to set the course of their lives. Conservatives want to go back, and progressives want to move forward. Conservatives believe that they or their "kind" were better off in the past, and that they will be better off in the future if things go back to how they used to be. Progressives believe that they will be better off in the future if things change or move away from how they were in the past.

Whether you prefer going back or moving forward is your personal preference. You are entitled to your own believes. This is a still a free country. No one should force you to believe anything. You should be free to set your own course. By the way, you are also entitled to change course or direction at any time and as many times you want in life. That is what freedom is all about.

Guns and Abortions 

Progressives believe that our Nation has a gun problem because we are using old gun laws to address current problems. The people who voted for the Second Amendment in 1791 lived a different reality. Likewise, the Constitution is silent about abortion rights because no one back in 1787 could have envision the American society of 2022. 

The "primitive" white folks of the 1700s decided for all us living in 2022.  For sure, some old ideas work and some don't. Some ideas need to be adapted to changed realities. It is for the people to vote, and make the necessary changes and amendments happen.

Abortion is a winning issue for Democrats

Abortions are the most powerful political tool available to Democrats. Every American who stands for women rights can become a Democratic voter. Everyone who believes in the rights of women to control and regulate their own bodies can vote Democrat. 

No one has the right to force a pregnancy on an American woman. Neither the government nor the church can force unwanted pregnancies on women.

The "moral" arguments against abortions are misguided. By definition, an unborn human embryo is not yet a born person. A seed is not a tree. The embryo does not feel any pain under anesthesia. Religious arguments are irrelevant because religion cannot be imposed on non-believers. 

Food for thought. What do you think?  


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