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Happy Juneteenth Anti-MAGA Day!

Every day is Juneteenth! Free your mind! The information age keeps liberating everyone who wants to be free. At the same time, social media echo chambers keep enslaving folks who want to remain stuck in the past. MAGA folks come to mind. MAGA folks seem to be the same confederates of the past whining about the loss of slavery, and living afraid of social change. What do you think? 

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Juneteenth Groundhog Day

Juneteenth commemorates the end of legal physical slavery in the American confederate states. That was a great day for our country. We should celebrate it every single day. America's socio economic growth became unparalleled worldwide since we ended slavery for good. 

Slavery was not an American invention, of course. Our credit is ending slavery, not beginning it.  We are the only world superpower that famously fought a civil war tied to ending the inhumane practice of slavery. That is to a great extent the reason we became a global superpower in the first place. From that moral high ground, we had a better vision to participate in future world events.

Slavery was a global phenomena. 

Slavery was a prevalent social institution throughout human history. Name any major human civilization in history, and you will find that it was built on the back of slaves. From agricultural to architectural prowess of the relevant civilization, the hard work was performed by slaves. The same thing applies to our Nation, which was built on the backs of slaves. Russia perhaps is the most slave founded nation of all because the majority of the population was enslaved in agricultural serfdom.

Slavery is as old as agriculture. As soon as humans switched from a hunting gathering economy to an agricultural one, slavery developed out of convenience. You cannot force people to hunt with you. As soon as you arm them, you will become the prey. Agriculture changed the equation. You can build a wall and force animals and rival humans to work the land for you. 

Blacks were not the only slaves.

Initially, slavery did not have a "racial" connotation at all. For the most part, masters and slaves were of the same "race", but simply of different social classes or of rival tribes. Africans had African slaves. European had European slaves. Asians had Asian slaves. It was only towards the final chapters of slavery, after advances in maritime travel and transcontinental colonization, that slavery developed a "racial" connotation. 

Slavery is a crime against humanity. 

There was nothing noble ever about slavery. It was simply a primitive institution that had to come to an end. Slavery allows some humans to force others to work for them. Somehow some people have a romanticized view of slavery thinking that the masters took good care of the slaves, and that slaves were better off. That of course is a fallacy and a one-sided fairy tale. The same people romanticizing slavery would trade places with the slaves, not even in their wildest dreams.

Arguably, some people would want to return to the times of slavery if they could.  To this date, many conservative in the American South still long the times of slavery, followed by racial segregation, and systemic discrimination. Those people are today the core of the MAGA movement. 

MAGA pain

America is changing. Our country keeps getting less "white" both "racially" and culturally. Everyday is groundhog day in that regard. Social changes keep coming up, and conservatives keep trying to fight them wholesale as if wanting to stop social progress and the passage of time. It's an uphill battle for conservatives. 

MAGA folks are afraid, and fear brings mental pain. MAGA folks are afraid of what will happen as more Americans of all races (whites and nonwhites) quit the cult of whiteness. The cult of whiteness is believing that everything "white", or of anglo / north western European descent, is inherently superior to everything else in the world. 

MAGA racism

MAGA is a racist movement. The social angst about the "browning" of American values and the end of whiteness is what fuels the MAGA movement. Perhaps a new kind of racism, but racism nonetheless. This new version allows nonwhites to join in, provided that they pledge psychological allegiance to the whiteness cult. 

MAGA folks grew up in a racist bubble that made them feel "blessed" for being white. Not only did they learn to see themselves as the "good" ones under god, but they also learned to see nonwhites as both naturally evil and inherently inferior. 

For years, MAGA folks kept their fears at bay and did not meaningfully participate in politics because nothing was really changing. The election of Barrack Obama was the wake up call that turned MAGA folks into a freak version of woke. Every action has a reaction. The eight years of Obama brought us MAGA. 

Diversity is ending whiteness.

Diversity does not make white culture inferior, but does not regard it as inherently superior.  Under the lens of diversity, white culture is just another culture out of many. Diversity adopts whatever works, and whatever proves effective to solve a particular problem regardless of its "race" or cultural background. 

MAGA folks fear losing the socioeconomic supremacy of whiteness. MAGA folks fear losing the socio economic privileges that centuries of racism and colonization brought to the "white race". That primal fear brings a great deal of pain. MAGA folks are looking for the strongest pain killer available.

For the love of Trump

MAGA folks used to believe that Trump was the strongest savior of whiteness out there. Recently, some MAGA folks are believing to doubt if Trump can deliver for them. They are finally realizing that Trump is an unpopular loser. 

Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary. Trump lost the popular vote to Biden. Trump lost the electoral college vote to Biden. Trump is becoming more unpopular nationwide as we all learn what he did after knowing that he lost to Biden.  

The January 6th hearings are killing Trump's image. Many MAGA types are beginning to realize that Trump is not a viable candidate for winning a general election. The Trump brand is beginning to rot and stink as it spins out of control.   

Physical Slavery vs. Mental Slavery

Happy belated Juneteenth to all Americans of any race and background. Let's remember that even if legal physical slavery ended, there is still mental slavery. We are all "slaves" of our beliefs. It is better to adopt liberating beliefs that help us flourish and enjoy life. As we all know, racism is not a liberating belief, but rather a mental trap. 

It is okay to disagree politically, but do not ruin your life thinking that life is an eternal battle of "good" vs "bad", and that you somehow are the "good" and everyone else is the "bad". Remember that your tribe does not have a monopoly on truth or reality. Love all. Serve all. That will help you flourish and live well.

Food for thought. What do you think.


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