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MAGA Christian Meltdown

Trump is having a MAGA meltdown today. The January 6th Hearings presented compelling testimony against Trump today. A former White House staffer declared under oath new details about Trump's direct knowledge and participation in the failed insurrection conspiracy and violent coup of J6. 

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MAGA folks don't give a fudge about the J6 Hearings. 

MAGA folks do not care if Trump attempted a coup or not. MAGA folks care about making America Christian White again. For MAGA folks, liberals and Democrats are worse than a coup. If at all, for MAGA folks the only bad thing about Trump's failed coup attempt is that it failed. Liberals beat Trump again by stopping his miserable coup. 

MAGA folks hope that Trump can be re-elected and in that four years he can prepare a successful coup for January 2028. But if Trump does not get his act together and solve his legal problems soon, MAGA folks will ditch him to nominate DeSantis or anyone else who can stop the liberals. MAGA folks would vote for Putin or even Hitler if possible. For MAGA folks, the end, which is to stop liberalism, justifies the means (a coup, war, anything). 

MAGA folks are believers 

MAGA folks are not evil, dumb, deplorable, or anything like that. MAGA folks are believers. MAGA folks believe that liberalism is a greater evil destroying America. Most MAGA folks believe the Jew fairy tale of one male god ruling humanity from above. 

MAGA folks, not unlike the Taliban and extreme Muslims, believe that the only one god operates in mysterious ways unknown to mankind. Therefore, if god is allowing Trump to succeed on Earth it must be that god favors Trump. Trump's success must be part of the mysterious plan of god. Now, if a liberal succeeds, it can only be due to a satanic pact with the devil. You see, the Jews also taught white Europeans to believe in the devil.

Good vs evil

MAGA folks discern between "good" and "evil" relying on tradition and the fairy tale accounts of white history. For MAGA folks, things should be like they used to be in the past when we everything was "great" as a white nation under god. According to MAGA, that was before the great "mental disease" of liberalism. That was before the liberation of negroes, gays, lesbians, bossy women, and the like.

According to MAGA folks, America was great back then when white men were in charge. Therefore, it's logical that to be great again, America must return to its roots of white supremacy under a white patriarchy. That must be the plan of god, who after all, MAGA folks believe must be a wise white man.

Liberal atheists

MAGA folks see liberals as atheists that want to push America off the plan of the white guy upstairs. For MAGA folks, minorities (i.e. blacks, latinos, gays, lesbians, transgenders, queer, etc) must be evil souls being punished by god. Otherwise, god would had them been born white and straight like himself (to his image). 

MAGA folks believe that if liberals were not evil, they would understand that god is a white man, and that conservative white men must remain in charge. MAGA folks descend from Europeans who were forced and mentally raped to abandon all their cool pagan gods to kneel to Jehovah, the Jewish god.  

JC the Gay Groomer

JC was neither white nor straight. JC was a Middle Eastern guy hanging out with men all day, and professing his deepest love to his youngest disciple, John. JC wanted men to eat his flesh. JC never had a girlfriend, never married, and did not raise a family. 

In other words, JC never observed the traditions of his times. JC was a rebel. MAGA folks today would call someone like JC a gay groomer and potential pedophile. MAGA folks would call someone like JC, a liberal. 

Food for thought. What do you think.


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