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Trump, a criminal that won't change

This is why Trump will not change his ways. Changing our ways is as easy as changing our religious and political views. It's super difficult actually. Although everything is in constant change around us, the human brain prefers inertia. What are the chances that Trump will change his ways so late in his life? Zero to none. MAGA folks will have to either accept or reject Trump as he is. The vast majority of Americans will continue rejecting Trump for how he is. 

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Behavioral change is difficult 

Some people manage to master change in life. However, they are a minority. Change is difficult. Our brains seem wired to prefer inertia over change. The longer a belief or conduct is around, the harder it is to change it. 

While it is difficult to change, it is not impossible. If you are personally trying to change or improve something in your life, don't get discouraged. Keep reading to see if you find nourishing food for thought.    

Inertia, motivation, momentum, change 

If your brain is like most brains, it will always prefer inertia over change. You have survived the way you are. Change is uncertain and risky. Your brain prefers you alive as imperfect as you may be than "perfect" and dead. Chances are that your brain will have a super strong bias towards resisting change, and preserving the status quo whether that is "good" for you or not. You see, the human brain is not as "rational" as you may believe. 

Mental inertia will be hard to beat unless you have sufficient motivation that can create enough movement in the direction of your intended change. Without sufficient motivation that can create  movement and momentum towards change, you will continue doing tomorrow what you are doing today, which is most likely what you were doing yesterday. In fact, the longer you have been set in your current ways, the harder it will be to change. 

Emotional pros and cons

Most people think that "reasons" are enough to make us change. This is a failure to understand our human nature. While we fancy ourselves as rational beings, we are emotional creatures. Emotions come first. Reasons follow. Emotions are significantly stronger than reasons. That is why so many people can't change even when "knowing" that they should change. They can't change because they are not "feeling" the emotional drive to change. 

How do the potential rewards (pleasure) compare to the potential losses (pain) of changing? That is what your brain will be looking at. Comparing emotional payloads will make or break your chances of successful change. The perceived rewards (pleasure) must greatly exceed the perceived losses (pain) from changing your ways. Otherwise, change does not stand a chance.  

Self identity

Your self identity is tied to your current ways. Changing your ways risks changing your sense of self plus also risking the social circle around yourself. That tells you why most people never change significantly. They would not feel themselves, and they would risk losing their social support system. That's why you can count on rural whites voting Republican, and urban blacks voting Democrat. 

People tend to change significant beliefs only after going through significantly transformative experiences in life. That may be obtaining a higher education, moving to a different location, falling in love, changing social circles, etc. 

Trump will not change

It is easy to predict that if the personal, social, and environmental circumstances of a person are staying the same, the person will also stay unchanged. And that tells us right there why Trump will not change. 

Trump is not going through any significantly transformative experiences in his life. Trump is not changing any variables in his personal, social, and environmental circumstances. Trump's circumstances are not changing. Therefore, he will not change.  

MAGA folks won't change any time soon

MAGA folks are set on their ways just like Trump is set on his. MAGA folks truly believe that liberalism is destroying America. Trump does not believe that, but he tells the MAGA folks what they want to hear. What Trump and MAGA folks share is their racism and belief in whiteness.  

Whiteness is the belief that everything anglo or of north western European descent is inherently superior to anything else in the world. Many MAGA folks truly believe deep inside their brains that blacks and minorities are evil, and are being punished by a white god "upstairs". Emotionally, MAGA folks feel that liberals are the enemy, and that the end justify the means. 

Unconditional love (and hate against blacks)

MAGA folks love Trump unconditionally because they can see through him, and in him they see themselves. Above all, Trump is a good old racist. MAGA folks know that Trump is in politics simply because his hate of Obama took the best of him. As Trump says, his life was better before he entered politics. But seeing a black young man become President, killed business Trump and gave birth to MAGA Trump. 

Obama turned Trump into a mad man running full of hate. Trump's hate of Mexicans and latinos made him promise to build the wall. Trump's hate of Chinese and Asian people made him promise to end globalization. Trump's admiration of Putin's unapologetic racism shows MAGA the promises of installing a white supremacist autocracy in our Nation.  

Whiteness blindness

MAGA folks don't care if Trump is the devil, Putin's agent, or the a white version of Hugo Chavez that could destroy America after his death. In Venezuela, for example, the biggest problem was not Chavez himself, but the fact that Chavez, like Trump, was a mortal human being. Venezuelan people made the grave mistake of giving Chavez incredible powers by amending the Constitution repeatedly. After Chavez died, as Trump will do sooner or later, all those powers were inherited by the successor. 

Successors of dictators are typically significantly inferior than their predecessors. Under the successors. the whole system collapses quickly. The same thing can happen in Russia when Putin dies sooner or later. That's why Americans will never make the mistake of making Trump a virtual "king". When Trump dies, which will be relatively soon--heart attack would be our guess--the successor would be unable to hold the shit together. The successor would inherit too many powers and take the country down in a heartbeat.  

January 6th lessons

MAGA folks don't care if Trump orchestrated a coup to stay in power. MAGA folks don't care that Trump pressured Mike Pence to violate the Constitution. MAGA folks don't care that Trump tried to get Pence assassinated if necessary to stay in power. MAGA folks only care about stopping the "evil" of liberalism. 

Although it is hard for humans to change our individual ways, change is a constant in our collective lives. America has changed significantly in the past decades. MAGA folks are living a painful existence trying to make America "white" again. This is a mental trap requiring stopping progress and traveling back in time. 

As fellow humans and Americans, we wish them solace and that they can find healthy ways of coping with the pain of change. If we have to bet, this thing called life will keep changing at an accelerated pace. Our Nation will become more and more diverse. Team diversity will continue beating MAGA in popularity and vitality. 

A new majority

The majority of Americans recognize the social and economic power of diversity. We are better off by leveraging the diverse talents and ideas of all of our population. Racism and exclusion cannot beat the economic prowess of diversity and inclusion. Life is better and easier when everyone gets a fair chance of flourishing and contributing to our collective wellbeing. 

Under the lens of diversity, whites are neither inferior nor superior. We are all members of the same race, the human race. While MAGA excludes and tries to go back in time, diversity includes and embraces everyone as members of the human race. 

An uphill battle against progress and time 

The MAGA battle against progress is both uphill and backward. We don't blame them for trying. We don't even blame them for their love of Trump either. Love is love. MAGA folks are not evil. MAGA folks truly believe that they are saving America from blacks and browns. MAGA folks were programmed to believe that blacks are thugs and that browns are terrorists, illegal aliens, or both. MAGA folks have been colonized by fear and are just aggressive as a wild animal afraid of others. 

MAGA folks are a minority getting louder and smaller at the same time. The world keeps spinning. America keeps changing. MAGA folks would like to bury the head in the sand, enclosed within a border wall, and not engaging with the world. 

Team Diversity

Team diversity has a different and opposite view than MAGA. Team diversity sees America as a promised land for anyone coming to work and pursue the American dream. MAGA folks would say that laws have to be enforced. However, if immigrants were white believers in the cult of whiteness, MAGA folks would welcome them with open arms. 

Along the same lines of unequal and racist law enforcement, let's be honest about January 6th. If Obama had done what Trump to stay in power after losing an election, MAGA folks would have lynched Obama the next day. Obama, however, won his two elections. Trump, on the other hand, lost. Such is life. Winners win and losers lose. 

Food for thought. What do you think.


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