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Trump is not happy

Trump is not happy with the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, or it's "horrible" timing. Personally, Trump is in favor of medically safe and legal abortions. After all, that had been the law of the land for decades. Politically, Trump knows that the decision will back fire against him. After all, Trump appointed most of the Justices who reversed Roe v Wade even after telling him and testified under oath that they would not do such a thing. Trump knows that the decision will make him even less popular and that many more Americans will favor his upcoming criminal indictment.

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For every action, there's a reaction. The Supreme Court's repeal of Roe v Wade is a temporary victory for ultra conservative Americans. The decision is making a few Americans happy, and the vast majority Americans super mad. 

The Supreme Court's decision was patently religious in nature. The vast majority of Americans, even if religious, strongly believe in the separation of church and state. Many Republicans know that the Supreme Court's surprising decision will back fire against conservatives.  

Is Trump pro-abortion?

Personally, Trump is most likely100% pro abortion. Rumor has it that close "friend" of Trump has paid for abortions. In Trump's view, which is shared by many wealthy men, every man who knocks up a woman should have the right to pay for ending the unwanted or inconvenient pregnancy in a medically safe and legal way. Every parent should have the same right if their daughters get pregnant without consent, or at an inconvenient time in their lives. A pregnancy, wanted or unwanted, can get complicated and literally kill a woman.  

Most Americans who are not religiously fanatic are 100% in favor of medically safe and prudent abortions. After all, that was the law of the land for over 50 years or more. Abortions can save a woman's life, can save a marriage, can save a lot of money, can save a family or business reputation.
Trump, as most other New Yorkers see abortions as a practical method to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In addition, Trump, as many others can see abortion as a reasonable way of controlling the unwanted and exponential population growth of blacks and latinos in America. 

Pro-abortion blue tsunami

Politically, Trump knows that the decision will back fire against him and against the MAGA movement in general. The Supreme Court's decision is obviously and patently religious in nature. The decision is extremely unpopular with the vast majority of Americans. 

The Supreme Court's untimely decision will dramatically increase the turnout of Democratic voters in the November 2022 mid-term elections. The decision is already increasing the general discontent with  Trump. MAGA folks are disappointed in Trump for losing the elections to Biden. Most Americans are extremely upset with Trump for attempting a coup to stay in power even after knowing that he had lost the elections fair and square. The Supreme Court's abortion ruling will make even more Americans favor the upcoming criminal indictment of Trump, the double loser of the 2020 presidential elections. 

The Supreme Court's decision to end the Constitutional right to limited abortions will mega increase Democratic turnout in the midterm elections. The decision will turn America even more blue. Most importantly for Trump, he will face the backslash of the unpopular and heavily religious decision.  The majority (3 out of 5) of the Justices in the conservative majority that overturned Roe v Wade were appointed by Trump. This means that Trump will become even less popular. More and more Americans will turn against Trump. More and more Americans will favor the upcoming criminal indictment of Trump. 

Be proud of being an American

Whether you are in favor or against abortion, be proud of being an American! We've come a long way from we started. Our Nation was kickstarted by ultra conservative Pilgrims who betrayed the local tribes who helped them survive. George Washington deserves credit for not wanting to be king, but we cannot forget the genocide warfare of his times. Violence was not only against the natives. In Massachusetts, folks used to burn women alive just for being bossy. 

Our history is complicated, and can only get mixed reviews. Focusing on our history is partly futile. it is better to focus on our trajectory and on where we are going as a Nation. What future are we building today is what matters the most.Chances are that we will continue making social progress. There will be obstacles and missteps along the way, but we will find the way to continue moving forward. The best is yet to come. 

Diversity of thought

The Supreme Court's decision highlights the diversity of thought in our Nation. We all have different beliefs and viewpoints. That is a healthy thing. We are a super diverse nation serving a platform for the debate of ideas and ideologies. 

Many Americans are in shock after the Supreme Court's apparent attack on women rights. Three of the five Justices on the conservative majority repealing Roe v Wade were appointed by Trump. All had testified under oath that they would respect Roe v Wade. This is not going to play well for Trump, who is already widely unpopular. 

Fuel to the fire

Justice Thomas, a black man married to an ultra conservative MAGA Trump supporter and potential co-conspirator of Trump's failed coup, was one of the Justices repealing Roe v. Wade. Justice Thomas wrote a concurrent opinion in which he recommends that the Court also looks into reversing decisions on gay marriage and other individual rights not expressly mentioned in the federal Constitution.

More and more Americans are literally waking up to the dangers that conservatives pose for the type of social progress sought by the majority. As a reminder, Trump lost the popular vote the two times he ran for president. Already about 60% of Americans support the idea of pressing criminal charges against Trump for masterminding a coup to stay in power after losing the 2020 elections. The Supreme Court's apparent attack women, minorities, and non-believers will only increase the Trump's unpopularity.  

Will Trump be indicted? 

Soon we may witness the very first criminal indictment of a former president. He was one of the most divisive presidents in our history, but that of course is not the reason why he may be indicted. He would be indicted for conspiracy to stage a coup. He was the first president attempting to remain in power against the will of the people. 

The conservative majority of the Supreme Court is making Trump's indictment more likely every day. Yesterday, the Supreme Court ended the Constitutional right to abortion in the United States. Five conservative Justices (three while male, one black man, and one white woman) decided for the whole Nation. The vast majority of Americans are outraged. Religious views were obviously mixed in the  decision.  Three of the five conservative Justices were appointed by Trump. He will face the backlash of the unpopular anti-abortion decision.

Yes, Trump will be indicted

The January 6th Hearings are establishing without any reasonable doubt that Trump was the leader of the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential elections. The Department of Justice is also reviewing, and compiling evidence. Once all the evidence is there, the Department will have to decide whether or not to commence criminal indictment proceedings against Trump. 

With the majority of the Nation supporting an indictment, and the majority of the Nation outraged about the conservative decisions of Trump's Supreme Court, the criminal indictment is becoming more likely. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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