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Trump will not be prosecuted

If you cannot afford gas or groceries, Trump would call you a loser. Trump became a billionaire in the most expensive city in the world. High prices were not a problem for Trump, but rather an opportunity. Prices are high when economies are strong. If you are a Trump supporter, you should be able to prosper in any economy just like he did in New York City. If you are complaining about high prices and that life is not fair, you are sounding like a loser. As you know well, Trump hates losers. 

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Love is love.

Many Americans love Trump. Democrats make the love of Trump stronger by trying to forbid it. Americans who love Trump are entitled to support the old white man. He is not fooling them. They know exactly what Trump stands for, and that is exactly what they want. That is one of the many perils of democracy: one person, one vote. That is also what diversity is all about. We can disagree, have different opinions, and still be Americans.  

The fact that many Americans hate Trump, and many Americans love Trump shows how diverse our Nation is. That is a win for diversity. Allowing people to support Trump if they want to is a win for our democracy. Diversity and democracy make our Nation wealthier and stronger. Whoever wants to love Trump, should be allowed to love the old white guy. Love is love.

Fear and greed.

The game of politics is won by pushing people's buttons. The two main buttons to push are fear and greed, which correspond squarely to the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Fear relates to pain, and greed relates to pain. 

All animals survive by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Humans are not an exception. All our ancestors survived by avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. The pain / pleasure programming survived in all of us. It controls everything we do whether we realize it or not. All Trump supporters survive avoiding what they perceive as painful and seeking what they perceive as pleasant. The same applies to Trump haters.

Trump's pleasure

Trump wants to be president because he derives pleasure from political power and the privileges it brings. Many Americans want Trump to be president because they derive pleasure from Trump's promises to "make America great again" (MAGA), which they interpret as making America great for whites again. 

Many Americans live afraid of diversity (e.g. blacks, browns, foreigners, etc), and greedy of the past privileges of racism. Racism allocates socio economic privileges based on the social construct of race. Trump caters to the psychological needs of whites who feel that they are losing the traditional privileges that whites believed they inherited from colonialism. 

Trump pushes the fears and desires of his supporters. Trump tells them what they want to hear, and promises to do what they want government to do for them. That includes deporting brown immigrants, demoralizing all blacks, hating China, and not challenging Putin (a nuclear armed white supremacist). Above all, Trump is a yankee salesman in total psychological control of the confederate South.

Trumping Crime

The January 6th Hearings are making evident that Trump may have committed several federal crimes. Coping with the psychological pain of having lost the elections to a "loser", Trump essentially lost his mind. 

Losing to a "loser" turned Trump into the biggest sore loser of our presidential history. Instead of accepting that he lost fair and square, Trump became a conspiracy theorist. Trump created a fake news, alternative facts, parallel universe where the election was stolen from him. If you think about it, this makes Trump a double loser because in one universe he lost the elections, and in the other he was the loser who let "losers" steal the presidency from him. 

Criminal Prosecution

The Department of Justice will not charge Trump with any crimes. Trump is a white supremacist politician loved by thousands of heavily armed American radicals looking for an excuse to snap into domestic terrorism against the federal government. The Department will be afraid of sparking civil unrest and white supremacist terrorism. 

The Department will not go forward with what would be portrayed as a political witch hunt by Republicans and about half of the Nation. No one wants to turn the United States into a republic where political opponents are prosecuted criminally instead of defeated politically. The Department will also try to save face to avoid airing dirty laundry in a criminal case against a former president. Finally, insane people should not be prosecuted. It is becoming evident that Trump is insane. 

Even if Trump is prosecuted, it is extremely unlikely that an American jury will unanimously convict him. The defendant would be a white American who supposedly loves his country and supposedly believed the elections were stolen from him. The trial would make Trump a martyr, even more fervently loved by his cult. The alleged crimes would be complicated white collar conspiracy offenses based on circumstantial evidence. Proving criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt and unanimously will be  impossible. If Trump was black it would be a completely different ball game, but yet again he is a white supremacist. 

Democratic Fear

The fear of Democrats is that Americans may be so pissed off with the rising cost of living, and the "browning" of America, that Trump may be re-elected by a landslide in 2024. Well, if that happens, that is part of democracy. Sometimes your party wins and sometimes your party loses. If Americans want to trade democracy for cheap gas, that is for Americans to decide. If America turns into a shit hole like Russia, that is what Americans deserve then. 

If Trump is what the majority of the electoral colleges want, that is what the American people deserve. The criminal justice system will not be used to save Democrats from losing to Trump. Democrats should focus on finding political ways to defeat Trump. That begins with solving inflation.  

Trump supporters are not stupid. 

Trump supporters know full well what they are doing and why they are doing it. Trump is not fooling anybody. Most Trump supporters are white supremacists whether they admit it or not, or whether they realize it or not. 

All humans are controlled by the pain / pleasure game of life. White supremacists are not an exception. White supremacists are living in pain every day seeing how being white is no longer enough to get ahead in our country. A meritocracy can be brutal on the rural and poorly educated. 

MAGA is a white supremacist movement

MAGA is a white supremacist movement hoping that there is a way to travel back in time to make America openly racist again. While most of us think that diversity makes the Nation wealthier and stronger, the MAGA crowd disagrees.

The way to beat MAGA is with MADA (make America Diverse again). America was brown before it was white. There is much that we can learn about the cultures that we destroyed in the primitive cult of whiteness, and thinking that everything anglo is inherently superior to everything else in the world.

Progress is unidirectional 

As people make progress in life, they realize the virtues of diversity. We then become afraid of living in a traditional society without modern technology. We become greedy of the socio economic privileges of living in a diverse and progressive society. 

Progress replaces antiquated traditions with modern technologies. These technologies make life easier (less painful and more pleasurable), and always, always, defeat tradition. Education allows us to easily replace blind faith with enlightened hope. We begin to enjoy the present without reminiscing the past, and knowing that we are all in this together creating a better future for everyone.  In the end, MADA beats MAGA easily.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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