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A 76 year old beige man

Neither Hunter Biden nor Steve Bannon can save Trump this time. Hunter is reportedly an atheist. Bannon is supposedly a christian who keeps a fake portrait of a bleached skin Jesus in his office. The J6 Hearings are destroying Trump and he seems doomed. Luckily for Trump he is a man of color (color beige) and will most likely avoid criminal prosecution. Luckily for all of us, Trump's political career is almost over.

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Trump's Epic Collapse

Millions of Americans have been waiting for Trump's collapse. Trump is a 76 year old old man with a poor diet, and a super stressful lifestyle. That is a lethal combination for any heart. Men of beige color with similar lifestyle factors are prone to deadly heart attacks. With every heartbeat, the blonde dyed hair and fake orange makeup gets closer to his final day on Earth. 

No one is eternal; not even the MAGA king. That is the most fundamental flaw of kings and dictators. Even assuming for the sake of argument that a particular king or dictator can "save" his tribe, as soon as the man dies, the tribe is at the mercy of the successor.  Imagine Don Jr. inheriting the "throne" from his Sunkist dad. We would become Venezuela or North Korea in a heart beat under an incompetent heir ot the throne. 

Founding Fathers Knew Better

Our founding fathers descended from Europeans who came to America escaping Europe. These mostly "white trash" immigrants came here escaping the nasty realities of the British and European societies of their times. Europe used to be a deadly game of thrones for millennia. Undoubtedly, Europe was one of the most brutally violent regions of the world. Men were not equal, but rather subject to a rigid social class structure.  

Our beige colored ancestors escaped Europe and its rotten political and socio economic system. In America, they copied a system where beige men would be equal under a constitution that would save them from kings and royals. Of course, in the early years of our Nation, the equality of beige men depended on oppressing all women, and enslaving or killing all non-beige people. 

Surviving Trump

Luckily, our system has been improved over the years, and will not die with Trump or a MAGA "king". If we have to bet, Trump will suffer a heart within the next decade. He will not resurrect on the third day or any other day because no one comes back from the dead. Many will celebrate and even cry tears of joy whenever Trump finally dies.

Trump's political collapse may come even sooner than his health decline and inevitable death. The January 6th Hearings are killing Trump and Trumpworld. Trump brought all this onto himself by plotting his own political suicided. All for being so greedy and wanting to stay in power against the democratic will of the American people. 

Sacrificing Mike Pence

On December 19th, 2021, at 1:42 am, Trump tweeted an open invitation for MAGA folks to get ready for a "wild" event at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. The evidence keeps piling up against Trump, showing that he was the kingpin leader of the wild J6 insurrection. Evidence indicates that Trump had been plotting for over a month how to stay in power after knowing full well that he lost the 2020 elections. 

Trump's "brilliant" idea was to storm the Capitol with a mob that would prevent Mike Pence from certifying Biden as president of the United States. Whether that meant that Pence would be killed by the insurrectionists, or would be persuaded to join the insurrection is not clear. Apparently, Trump did not care of the means provided that he would meet his end goal. 

Ginny Thomas and the Supreme Court 

Trump's "brilliant" plan also included the notion that many lawsuits would be filed after the insurrection. He would stay in power pending the resolution of all those lawsuits. Ultimately all of them would be consolidated into a case to be decided by the Supreme Court. 

Trump envisioned that Ginny Thomas's black robed husband and the other conservative Justices (three of which were appointed by Trump) would rule in Trump's favor.  

Trump Tower of Failure

The funny thing about Trump is that he is losing the battle against history. Before his beige supremacy kamikaze political career, Trump enjoyed some descent respect. By now, Trump's brand is dead. Ultra conservatives essentially "raped" Trump in becoming their bitchy puppet. 

For some reason or another, everything Trump touches turns to shit and fails. January 6th was not an exception. The J6 Hearings are piling up an insurmountable amount of evidence demonstrating that Trump was the presiding kingpin of a failed insurrection. 

Beige Justice

Not only did Trump plan the insurrection, but he did not do anything to stop it. Trump actually added fuel to the fire tweeting during the attack of the Capitol. Apparently, Trump also ordered the Army and the National Guard to stand down, and do nothing to stop the his invading mob.

Since Trump is "white" (i.e. of beige color), he may get away without any criminal charges filed against him. As we all know, our criminal justice in our country is primarily directed at incarcerating black and brown people. People of beige color get a pass every time there is an opportunity. Somehow, beige people are so colonized that they cannot apply an equal sense of justice against a beige criminal. Excuses for not prosecuting Trump will be easy to come by. Of course, if it had been a black or a brown president doing the same thing, plenty criminal charges would have been filed by now. 

Food for thought. What do you think?



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