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Beige Supremacy

Nobody is perfect. It would be a little unfair to call our founding fathers the "Fake Founding Fathers" because they spread fake news and alternative facts. Every human is a mixed bag. We lie often, and we believe lies all the time. That's how we cope and survive. 

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Fake News Racists

The founding fathers were humans (i.e. storytelling primates of African descent) living in harsh and primitive times more than 200 years ago. Like every other human back then and today, the founding fathers were opportunists partially full of shit. 

The founding fathers were con artists, slave owners, and fake news masters to some extent. That is not to say that America is not "great" or that it cannot be "great". That is simply to be accurate and see things how they are, a mixed bag. 

John Adams and Benjamin Franklin spread fake news

John Adams wrote countless of fake news and alternative fact stories for publication in the newspapers of his times. Remember that the printing press was the greatest technological advancement of those awful days. Adams was an artist crafting believable stories that mixed facts and alternative facts to make the British authorities look bad. That is not to say that the British were the "good" guys. The king and the British were also full of shit like everyone else back then and today. 

Benjamin Franklin, who was an enlightened scientist and scholar of the times, was even more crafty spreading fake news internationally. Franklin deserves a Fake News Pulitzer or a Nobel Prize in Bullshit. When Benjamin Franklin was our lead diplomat and ambassador in France, he created an infamously super fake news article blaming the British of hiring the Native "savages" as mercenaries for the king. 

According to Benjamin Franklin and an evil fidget of his imagination, the British had hired Native "savages" as mercenaries. Franklin coddled French support for the American independence war by inventing and publishing detailed fake news about Natives brutally murdering civilians, women, and children in the American colonies. 

Benjamin Franklin seasoned his cooked fake news story with sprinkled details of the natives delivering bags with hundreds of scalps of "white" children and women. You can google all that to learn more about the dirty secrets of our partially fake and totally human founding fathers. 

To be or not to be  

To understand where we are today, it is helpful to learn where we come from and how we got here. Humanity began in Africa. All humans are primates of African descent. Healthy and "normal" humans come equipped with a fine processor (brain) capable of running video images and communicating stories. 

Imagination and communication are what set us apart from other animals. We are so good at imagination and storytelling that we end up believing our own made up stories. The stories of gods, who were later consolidated in the Middle East into the story of only one god, are the most illustrative of our power to invent unbelievable stories to end up believing them plus living and dying for them. 

Anything that gets connected in our neurons by electric synapses feels true in our brains. If we repeat a story long enough, we rationalize it until we believe it. We create and reinforce those neural synapses until the story feels like the truth to us. 

Stories that we learn as children and repeat as adults become part of our frame of reference to conceptualizing reality and understanding the world. It is very hard to distinguish the fictional stories from non-fiction ones. Some educated adults can separate religious beliefs from factual accounts, but some cannot. Some people can enjoy fictional stories for fun and entertainment while others feel compelled to impose their "truth" onto everyone else. 

To judge or not to judge

If we judge our ancestors, including the founding fathers, under the lens of our principles today, many would conclude that the founding fathers were primitive savages if not total scum. They were slave owners, oppressed women, followed crazy religious dogmas, sanctioned genocide of the natives, were super racists, and so on and on. But is unfair to judge people of the past based on what we know or believe today. 

To beige or not to beige

Believing the story of human "races" is one of our greatest weaknesses today. The practice comes from primitive humans who knew very little about biology, DNA, and genetics. 

Human skin comes in three main colors or shades: black, brown, and beige. A natural pigment or "ink" that we call melanin is responsible for the color of human skin. All human skin has a color range. Every human is a person of color. No human skin is white. The closest color would be beige.  

Beige skin is associated with ancestral tribes of primitive "savages" that migrated from Africa up north into the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. Different weather and climatological circumstances in different regions of the planet led to variances in physical traits and characteristics. Yet despite the outer shell differences, all humans are of the same race, the human race. 

UV rays and climate

Due to the tilt of the Earth, northern latitudes of the planet receive less ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun than central latitudes closer to the equator line. In addition, northern latitudes have cold weather most of the year, requiring humans to cover their skins. The combination of weaker UV rays and covered skins led to nordic skin to lighter colored melanin than tropical skin. 

Besides skin color, there are other physical characteristics associated with the concept of race. Hair type is a classic "racial" characteristic. UV rays and climate are also responsible for variations in hair type and texture. 

An "afro" consisting of curly, crispy, and vivid hair serves as a filter or mesh protecting the skull from UV radiation, and also serves to cool down the head in warm or hot climates. European and Asian hair falls down to keep the head and neck warm in cold climates.  These are clever mutations and adaptations for different environments. No hair type is better or superior to another. Hair simply evolved and adapted to different environments. 

Other "racial" characteristics such as nose shape and eye shape are also evolutionary mutations and environmental adaptations. It is primitive to think that some of these adaptations are "superior" socio economically or aesthetically. The biological adaptations helped ancient and primitive human tribes to adapt and cope to different environmental and climatological circumstances.  


To assign socio economic privileges or aesthetic values based on the presence or absence of specific traits and characteristics is both primitive and economically ineffective. It is also unfair because no one chooses with what characteristics, mutations, or features to be born. It is essentially a lottery that should be disregarded as irrelevant these days. 

Racism is a socio economic system that assigns privilege based on characteristics.  The pain of beige racists is twofold. One pain is losing the privileges formerly assigned to beige skin and European facial and hair characteristics. The other pain the beige people grew up in a fairy tale bubble and fake world. It is widely known today that beige privileges are based on crimes against humanity. People of beige color colonized and exploited brown and black people. This is not to say that brown and black humans are the "good" and beige humans are the "bad". This is to say what it is. It is undeniable that European people colonized and exploited Africa and the Americas.  


We are living a new enlightening era. We are waking up to the realities of our history and how things got to be the way they are. Beige people are ahead socio economically because they stole and killed their way up. It is not that browns and blacks were saints or would have done anything different. It's simply that the truth comes with the territory. Our beige ancestors and founding fathers were as racist and full of shit as the worst MAGA magats these days. That is part of who we are as a Nation. We can do much better and we will do better.

The solution going forward is NOT to assign the privileges to another "race". The solution is NOT to take privileges await from people of color beige to give it to non-beige browns and blacks. The solution to the primitive unfairness of beige supremacy is NOT to assign the privileges to browns and blacks. That would be as unfair and primitive as how beige privilege came to be. That would simply feed the us vs them mentality that pulls us apart.  

The solution to racism, beige privilege, beige supremacy, and all that primitive non-sense is to eliminate once and for all the ill concept of "race". So long as we keep repeating and believing the fake news story about different human "races", we will be victims of the us vs them crab mentality. 

Those who believe in different "races" will continue being prey and falling as victims of politicians pushing the us vs them buttons. To free yourself from beige supremacy politicians like Trump, or race opportunists like many Democrats, stop seeing humanity as divided in different "races". Free yourself by recognizing that we are all humans. All humans are members of the one and only race, the human race. 

Food for thought. What do you think? 



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