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Our country is not perfect, but we have a lot of potential. We have simple choices to make. We can be conservative/regressive; liberal/regressive; or a combination of both. In our political colors, we can be red, blue, or purple. Either choice can work. Choose your beliefs. Decide what you prefer.  

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How did we get here?

First, our species walked out of Africa. Their descendants kept walking, and eventually sailing, until reaching every region of the globe. Yes, humanity originated in Africa, and all humans are of African descent. 

Storytelling primates walking and sailing around the globe

All humans are primates. We descend from other African primates. Many people can't see this. One reason is that the "links" of homo species between modern humans and chimpanzees or bonobos went extinct. Therefore, there seems to be a huge gap between modern humans and are closes living ancestors, the chimpanzees and the bonobos. 

The missing or extinct evolutionary links in our heritage included the homo erectus, the homo habilis, the homo neanderthalis, and the homo denisovan among many others. If these homos were still around, it would be easier for us to appreciate our evolution. 

Religion and religious stories also make it harder for people to see our true nature. We are indoctrinated since childhood to believe that we are celestial creatures rather than clever animals. Many religions make us believe that we are created entities separate and apart from the rest of nature, rather than living organisms evolving from the very same nature. 

Imagination and communication

Our imagination and communication are what set us apart from all other animals. Humans come equipped with a powerful data processor (brain) capable of running vivid 3D video images. We run those images on a timeline to create fantastic and compelling stories. Our brains and bodies are also excellent at communication, which allows us to share stories with one another. 

By inventing and disseminating stories we create teams and tribes that by trial and error experimentation develop the technologies (tools and methods) that help us survive and thrive. With our stories, we created our civilization. 


We are so good at storytelling, that we believe our own stories. Our primitive ancestors created stories about gods with supernatural powers who communicated with prophets and rulers. We keep repeating those stories and dogmas one generation after the next. We love the stories of our divine and celestial origins, and we become their victims. Many humans can't see themselves as animals or even as part of nature. We see ourselves as observants of nature rather than as an integral part of nature.

You believe whatever you connect as true in your brain. Whatever you connect in your neurons as "true" becomes the truth in your brain. The stories that you repeat and enforce the most become the fundamental truth of your self image. You are not what you eat. You are what you believe. 

Religion and Racism

Religion and racism are examples of stories that most people belief blindly to their own peril. Your beliefs either free you or enslave you. If follow religion as inspirational fiction, it can edify you. If you follow religion as a supernatural mandate, it can destroy you. 

The same applies to the social construct of race. If you "races" as outer shell mutations and adaptations to climatological and environmental factors, the knowledge can edify you. If you believe in "races" as an us vs them primate cists" because they accept the social construct of race. When they mix it, consciously or unconsciously, with religious beliefs, you have dangerous combination. The Republican party has been hijacked by religious racists. No wonder why we seem to be going backwards in many social dimensions.


After migrating out of Africa, different human tribes settled in different regions of the globe. The different living conditions in different climates and environments around the world led to the natural selection of different traits and outer shell characteristics. The physical traits and characteristics shaped by climate and environment include variations in skin color, which ranges from light beige to black, variations in hair type, nose shape, eye color, eye lid, and so forth

Notwithstanding the different outer shell adaptations and mutations triggered by climatological and environmental factors, we are all humans. Our outer shells come in three main classic or vintage models: African, European, and Asian. Modern humans also come in mixed models due to globalization and sex around the world. 

Notwithstanding our different stories and beliefs, we are all humans. Our brains can run unlimited fantasies and stories. Choose wisely what you want to believe as true. Question everything. See where specific beliefs come from. Who was the first person making up XYZ story. What did that person know? Remember that we are storytellers. Don't fall trap of your own human nature (i.e. storytelling primate). 


The solution to religion is to keep it out of politics and separate from government. We should allow everyone to believe whatever they want to believe, including not believing in anything. The solution to racism is realizing that there is only one race, the human race. We should realize that we are all African primates despite the differences in our outer shells. We are all members of the one and only race, the human race. We are also all storytellers. It's all good. We are all humans.

Food for thought. What do you think?




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