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Confusing times

It's scary that former Japanese Shinzo Abe was killed with a home made gun. That is kind of a home made abortion, but at the other end of the political spectrum. Something tells us that if guns were outlawed in the United States, we would have the most home made guns in the planet. Prohibition does not work. It did not work for alcohol. It does not work for drugs. It would not work for guns. It will not work for abortions.

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The political right here gets super energized by the topic of guns. Guns are sacred in our country. Democrats make a terrible mistake trying to regulate and outlaw guns. That wakes up the MAGA zombies. Better to leave guns alone. 

Americans accept the risk of living in a gun carrying, gun hazing nation. That is part of who we are. Those unwilling to accept the risk, are always welcome to migrate or stay home. Part of the social contract in our Nation is that every single time that we go out, we run the risk of being killed by a MAGA mass shooter. It's like we are all living in a violent video game.

It is surprising, super surprising actually, that there was a political assassination today in Japan. Japan is the free country in the world with the most strict anti-gun laws. To some extent, that confirms the notion that when a crazy or violent person wants to harm another person, not even the sky is the limit in the imagination of that violent person.

Now, how come our country that is all about freedom and guns, can have states that ban abortion. They say that all life is precious, but they confuse the life of a sack of embryonic cells with the life of a person. The same folks that say that all life is precious are in favor of killing animals for the fun of eating them. The same folks who say that all life is precious seem to hate immigrants and non beige colored lives. 

We live in exciting, interesting, and fun times full of surprising twists and turns. This brings us to another surprise of the day. The jobs report for June was significantly stronger than expected. You would think that everyone would celebrate the news. As it turns out, now the experts say that a strong jobs report is "bad". The fear is that with everyone employed and loaded with money, prices will continue going up, forcing the federal reserve to keep making money more expensive by increasing interest rates. 

Increasing interest rates may mean that the U.S. dollar will continue getting stronger for the time being. Did you see that the dollar is the strongest that it has been against the euro and the yen in over 20 years? That's impressive. Yet again, a strong dollar is supposed to be bad for the economy now because the price of American goods overseas is relatively higher, reducing sales. 

So it seems that there is no way to win here. If everyone is employed, that is "bad". If the dollar is strong, that is "bad". Now, if people lose their jobs that is also "bad". If the dollar gets weak like a third world country currency, that is "bad". What the heck is "good" then? Are things "good" only when we have a king robbing the poor to keep the rich richer?

 Food for thought. What do you think?



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