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Cheney vs Trump

Liz Cheney could run for President. To have a chance, she would need at least three miracles. The first one would be bringing down Donald Jesus Trump. The second miracle would be escaping the wrath of enraged Trump supporters. The third one would be convincing enough Republicans to become moderates or quasi Democrats. Anything is possible, but it does not seem likely that Liz Cheney can become the first woman president of the United States. 

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The easiest way to defeat Trump is to let the sucker defeat himself. There is something about Trump. Whatever Trump touches turns to shit. Even the office of the president looks shitty after knowing the ins and outs of Trump's presidency. 

Liz Cheney's January 6th Hearings are airing Trump's dirty laundry out to the world to see and it is making the image of the White House stink. To hear about such a dysfunctional and quasi criminal presidential enterprise is an alarming embarrassment. Sometimes it is better not to know the truth and continue in the la la land of belief. 

That is how Christians live their lives. Instead of facing our truth, which is that we don't know where life comes from, Christians fool themselves thinking that they do know the truth. Christians believe that there is an European looking god sitting in heaven deciding whether we prosper or suffer here on Earth. The concept is primitive and ludicrous. Yet it makes people high on the power of faith, and keeps getting followers to this day.

Christians and all other faith based believers are trained to disregard the truth and believe by faith. Believers care about believing regardless of the truth. Believers care about getting high on the meth of faith. It makes them feel good and soothes the monkey mind. It makes them belief that everything is alright because there is an alpha male protecting humanity from above.

It is not difficult to understand how Christians fall for the cult of Trump. Christians are already part of a cult. They are already trained to believe by faith. To be a Christian you have to abandon disbelief, and simply belief by faith. Christians believe that there god has a plan, which may be mysterious and impossible for humans to understand. Christians find it easy to believe that god has chosen Trump and that evil non believers are the ones opposing Trump. 

Evangelical Christians in the United States are all about prosperity right here and now here on Earth. Christians in other countries and other times focused on suffering on Earth to earn salvation in an imaginary after life. American Christianity focuses on prosperity here and now.  

The situation for Cheney is that she is constrained by reason. Trump, on the other hand, is unhinged and unconstrained by rhyme or reason. Trump is Jesus for his followers. Cheney's supporters are Democrats and a few moderate Republicans. These are in essence Republicans who were born in wealthy or suburban Republican families and have kept their traditional party affiliation. They are not enough to beat the rural and poor beige skinned Christians that seek the prosperity and simplicity offered by their king of ketchup, Donald Jesus Trump.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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