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Hunter Trump


The Biden family and the Trump family have serious legal problems. Hunter Biden "broke the internet" today with an apparent leak of disturbing content from his computer and server files. Hunter's alleged crimes must be investigated. Donald Trump is always trending online with the Never Trump (again) movement discussing Trump's apparent conspiracy to overthrow out government on January 6th, 2021. No one is above the law. To keep our democracy strong, let's investigate and prosecute anyone who breaks the law. That includes Hunter Biden, Ivanka, Jared, Joe, Donald Trump, and anyone else.

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Meat and potatoes

Our anglo culture makes us crave meat and potatoes. Nothing like a fatty dead animal for getting food drunk, and a starchy side for getting a glycemic high. Food is our national addiction. Food brings us together to the dinner table. Alcohol helps many flush all the glut down. From there we go to the TV or the screen to get high on information. It's a 24/7 dopamine cycle until death do us part. 

While overeating, drinking, and binge watching TV and phone screens unite our bored-to-death consumerist Nation, what really brings us together as a people is our thirst for justice. The left wants Trump in jail. The right wants Biden in jail. Americans love the raw poetic justice of bringing down celebrities and politicians who believe that they are above the law. 

Blacks and minorities are always the easy catch of the day for criminal prosecution. But every once in a while we get bigger fish to fry. Some times we get lucky and catch former presidents conspiring to overthrow our government. Sometimes we get corrupt political families ready to face the music of law. King wannabes and spoiled political "royals" are the targets that everyone enjoys prosecuting the most. We love high profile prosecutions because we are all be different, but we are all equal under the law. 

American equality

The American experiment is all about equality. Back in the days of our founding, the idea was to escape the rigid class system of the old continent, Europe. The initial idea was all men of beige color to be equal in America. No longer would beige men be subject to European monarchs who were above the law. In the new world, beige men would be all equal under the law. 

The initial American pact for equality entailed killing browns and enslaving blacks. That went on for over a century, and was gradually replaced with a more equitable system under the rule of law. Gradually, women and non-beige men began to acquire rights and equal protection under the law. Fast forward to our present, and now women and people of color other than beige are also part of the American equality platform. 

Rule of law

For our American equality experiment to continue working, we have to keep observing and upholding the rule of law. No one can be above the law. No man, woman, or any gender in between can be above the law. Whether you are pervert stealing from the government or a politician trying to overturn the government, if you break the law, America will hold you accountable.

If you break the law, we must fix you. We the people will find an appropriate penalty for your crimes regardless of your social and political status. It is tough to learn that our government may be third world corrupt, but we can fix it. You can be the son of a sitting president, the daughter or son-in-law of a former president, or you can even be a former president, and you are still subject to the law. Regardless of who you may think you are, if you break the law, America is going to get you. Justice will prevail.

Hunter Biden Trump

Apparently, Hunter Biden may have done things in the past worthy of criminal investigation. His dad, the sitting president of the United States may or may now be implicated. We will find out. We are all for justice and the rule of law. Regardless of political affiliations, as Americans we all agree that our justice must be blind, fair, and equitable. Anyone who breaks the law should face the full force of the law. 

Apparently, former president Trump also committed serious crimes in the past. Those may include pervert corruption crimes like those alleged against Hunter. They may also include something that the Biden's have not been accused of doing yet, which is conspiring to overthrow our government and seize power in violation of our Constitution. 

Coup Coup Conspiracy

Apparently, after realizing that he lost the 2020 elections, Trump organized a coup to seize power against the law. Everyone has the right to lose, but no one has the right to organize a tantrum conspiracy that killed multiple people and almost breaks our democracy.

The videos of a mob attacking, breaching, and invading the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 speak for themselves. The evidence being collected so far seems to suggest that Trump was not only the president, but also the ring leader of the whole thing. Not only did Trump plan the attack, but he also did nothing to stop it once it was in progress. 

Fools rush in 

The MAGA fools that followed Trump's directions to breach the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 believed that they were living their "1776" moment. Some of them thought that they would really prevent the certification of the electoral count vote to leave Trump as an un-elected president of the USA. 

All these fools should be prosecuted to make sure that nothing similar happens again. Above all, the ring leaders of the circus should be prosecuted and hold accountable to the maximum extent of the law. These ring leaders including Trump apparently knew what they were doing, and had been advised by legal counsel to cease and desist. They pushed forward. If that is true, they need to face the music of law loud and clear.  

Democratic Justice

Democracy is not perfect. It's just better than the alternative. Democracy gave us president Tump, and millions were mad. Democracy gave us Biden and millions were mad. It's hard or impossible to make everyone happy. 

Some fanatics see this as a matter or either or. For example, either Hunter Biden is indicted or Donald Trump is indicted. What about indicting both of them? If the investigations of their respective crimes show probable cause, they should both be subject of a Grand Jury indictment proceeding. This is America. We don't have kings, monarchs, or royals. We are all equal, and no one is above the law. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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