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Some people believe that the Earth is flat. According to some quantum physicists, our universe may be a hologram projected from a flat 2-D plane. Go figure. Maybe the Earth is really flat after all. The 3-D globe we see and perceive may be a simulation produced by our brain. Our brain may be a 3-D virtual headset. We all perceive a similar "objective" reality because we all have the same headset. We are all homo sapiens, a relatively advanced model of African storytelling primates. 

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We will probably never know what is true and what is not. Reality may be an illusion of the mind. Regardless, in the illusion that we call reality we can have fun figuring out past facts, experiencing present opinions, and predicting future events. 

The difference between the past and the future seems to be the level of certainty involved. We can examine the past with a greater degree of certainty than the future. The choices and options of the past are settled. Future choices and options are yet to be made. The past is certain and the future is uncertain. The past is where choices were already made. The future is when new choices will be made. 

January 6, 2021

What happened in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021? We have tons of videos and pictures about it. We can all see the choices made that day and by whom. You can be the judge. You can be in the 20% minority that rules America.

About 40% of Americans will exonerate Trump, and about 40% will fault him. The remaining 20% will decide which political side wins. As we continue developing into a polarized Nation, the 20% minority will have more power every day. 

About 80% of people will leave their respective blinders on. Their headset is programmed and controlled by others. Whether it is Fox News or something else, most people are already socially controlled by our binary political system. Those who can be truly independent from the binary partisan system will be in control of our politics.

When someone mentions January 6th some people change the topic. More and more now, Trump supporters are devising conspiracy theories to explain January 6th. The event is quickly becoming another landing on the moon. Some are beginning to say that the videos were fake and produced by liberals in Hollywood and Disney World.

Humans can believe anything. 

Our species survived by believing. Therefore, the believing "trait" survived in us. Humans do not require any evidence to form a belief. The only thing required to form a believe is a repetition of a story that is supposed to be true. With ample repetition and collective reinforcement people will believe anything. 

Believing spreads like a virus. God is a good example of the viral nature of beliefs. The story is repeated and collectively transmitted from one believer to another every minute of the day, 24/7 around the world. Regardless of the evidence (lack thereof), believers find reasons to believe in everything that happens. For believers everything in this collective experience that we call reality is pure evidence of the existence of god.  

Will Trump become the Jesus Christ of the next 2,000 years? It is not probable or likely, but it is possible. Anything is possible.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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