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Made by Obama

Trump was made by Obama. 

Of course, Trump was a widely known celebrity before he ran for president in 2016. Trump was a real estate developer with a mixed business record. The man had both high profile successes and failures. After his fourth bankruptcy, many thought that he was done for good. Somehow Trump was able to secure loans from Deutsche Bank. According to some, Putin and Russian money launderers kept Trump's business afloat by shielding money in New York City real estate, but that not been proven. 

Trump was also a celebrity after playing himself in The Apprentice. Trump entertained millions by playing his own character as a savvy business man unafraid of criticizing "losers". Trump's "you're fired" line became a popular meme in American pop culture. 

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Trump became famous in conservative politics when he began to echo Obama birther claims. According to Trump and other conspiracy theorists, Obama was born overseas rather than in Hawaii. Therefore, the first black president in our history was an illegitimate president. 

Trump was not the only birther, but was the most famous one. His vivid passion pursuing Obama birther conspiracies gave birth to the current Trump politician. Trump's genuine racism woke up millions of racists all across our Nation.

Magical Racism

Trump quickly realized that playing with the racists was his magic ticket to conservative stardom. From Obama, Trump moved to passionately criticize Mexicans and Chinese. Trump fell for the ideological trap of "America First", which entailed withdrawing from the world to focus on a quasi ethnic cleansing at home. 

Trump has always been a show man, and was already a celebrity. Trump was known as a reality TV star of The Apprentice, where he entertained millions by playing his own character as a savvy business man unafraid of firing people. Trump's "you're fired" line became a meme in American pop culture. 

Laughing stock opioid

Trump's campaign became a laughing stock of globalists, but became political opioid for millions of disenfranchised rural voters that had been left behind by progress and abandoned by liberal globalization. 

Trump himself could not believe how popular he became. Trump described his popularity as incredible, famously saying that he could shoot someone in Fifth Avenue and his followers would not care. Trump eventually became president, and had a mixed record presidency. However, for whatever reason it seems that in the end everything that Trump touches turns to shit. 

Not knowing when to quit

Like a boxer who does not know when to quit, Trump did not know when to quit even after shit hit the fan. After Trump lost the 2020 presidential elections, he began to conspire with others to see how his administration could cling on to power against the will illegitimately. Trump had accused Obama of being the first president not born in the United States. Trump then wanted to become the first president not democratically elected in the United States.  

Trump and his team researched all possible ways to stage a coup. Trump focused on obstructing the Vice President from certifying the results of the electoral college vote. The presidential certification was set to occur on January 6th, 2021. That day became historic and may very well represent the final end of the Trump era in the United States. The events are being investigated daily. Bring out the popcorn, and stay tuned.

Food for thought. What do you think?




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