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MAGA People of Color

MAGA is a movement of people of color. Beige color, that is. Human skin comes in three color shades: beige, brown, and black. Any color is okay. What is not okay is thinking that one color is better than another. What makes MAGA people suffer is that liberals are ending the color coded society that MAGA folks had learned was "great". 

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People of Color 

People of color are the base of the MAGA movement. Their color is beige. Human skin comes in three main colors or shades: beige, brown, and black. Melanin, a natural "ink" or pigment made by the body is responsible for skin color. 

Your melanin color varies depending on whether your ancestors stayed in tropical weather, or migrated to nordic weather. Northern latitudes have less ultraviolet (UV) radiation plus are cold requiring people to cover their skin. The combination of less UV radiation plus covered skin, made melanin beige. 

You can see melanin as natural form of sunscreen. Human tribes that stayed in tropical weather had more evolutionary use for darker melanin than human tribes migrating up north. It is not that complicated. 

Tropical vs Nordic

If you are into dividing people by the color of their skin, there is tropical skin, nordic skin, and everything in between. However, dividing people by skin color, hair type, or other physical features is primitive nonsense, completely unnecessary these days. Our primitive ancestors invented the concept of "races" to rationalize exploitation, colonization, and genocide. We don't need to do what they did. We can learn from that mistake. We know much more than they ever did. Their times are long gone, and they are all dead. 

Whether you have tropical skin, nordic skin, or anything in between is irrelevant. MAGA folks are the group of people who live in psychological pain knowing that the mere fact of having beige skin is no longer enough to live a better life in the United States. 

MAGA Racism

MAGA folks are the ones who still believe that nordic skin is superior and supreme to any other skin. MAGA folks were culturally indoctrinated to believe in the social construct of race, and the corollary that the beige race is superior to any other race on planet Earth. 

Racism is a socio economic system based on race. That is, under racism social privileges and benefits are assigned based on your race. The system breeds more racists because no one wants to have less in life. We are all primates, and we all want the best for ourselves. If the only thing you have going for you is that you were randomly born with beige skin, you will always be tempted to return to the racist past where beige skin guaranteed you supremacy.  

Liberals and MAGA

Liberals have been destroying and dismantling the socio economic disparities created by racism. MAGA folks are those who live in bitter pain seeing how racism fades into history. The election of a black president was the massive wake up call for MAGA racists. 

The election of Obama made them realize that it was real. They were living in a new America where beige people were losing the unfair privileges obtained from centuries of European racism. 

MAGA folks were not taught in school that beige people got ahead by stealing, killing, and colonizing. MAGA folks were told that beige people got ahead because they were the "good" ones and the nonbeige were the "bad" ones. Above all, MAGA folks were told every Sunday that the beige man upstairs favored them over the "evil" ones around. 

Good vs Bad

Many of us know well that "good" and "bad" are labels and opinions. Everything depends on the color of the lens under which you observe it. Beige people did not get ahead because their skin was beige. Beige people got ahead because Europeans got better at the art of war. 

Europe was a game of thrones bloodbath for millennia. Europeans were at constant bloody wars killing each other for real estate and any other reasons. They are still doing it today. Look how things are going in Ukraine were beige people keep killing other beige people for real estate. 

Practice makes perfect. 

Europeans became better war mongers, and conquered Africa and the Americas. Europeans had beige colored skin, but the color of their skin had nothing to do with their warrior skills. Now, since nordic beige people conquered the tropical people, and not the other way around, the cultural standard became that beige skin is superior to brown and black skin. 

Winners get to write the history books and the dictionaries. All our cultural vision in both Europe and the United States is tilted to make us feel superior, and to make beige colored skin supreme. Those of us who see that arbitrary color-coded society as unfair and primitive are on one side. Those who see it as something that was "great" are on the MAGA side. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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