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Obama Republicans

Change is constant, and every action brings a reaction. The Republican party changed as a reaction to the election of a black president in the United States. From a business party, the Republican party became a racist madhouse. The Republican party may eventually change again and redeem itself. In the meantime, and especially this November 2022, moderate Americans are voting Democrat. 

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Barrack Obama

The election of an American of Kenyan descent to the American presidency woke up a dormant segment of racism in our country. The election of a black man to the "house of whites" brought intense psychological pain (i.e. fear) to millions of Americans. 

Contrary to what many Democrats may say, not all conservatives are evil or deplorable. People are people. Humans are humans. For the most part, people are just victims of their environment and belief system. 

The racists that woke up after a black man was elected president were victims of the racist society in which they grew up. As Americans we are all culturally programmed and indoctrinated to be racists (i.e. to believe in races). We are equally indoctrinated culturally to believe that the "white" race is superior to all other races. Standard American culture makes all of us believe in a fairy tale of pure whiteness. The cultural corollary of whiteness is that "whites" are good and nonwhites are inferior and/or evil.  

European Legacy 

Our culture is racist because our Nation was founded by European racists. Our Nation was founded by European immigrants who took this land by force, and who forced others to work the land for them. That is a fact that will never change because it is in the past. This is not about shaming. It is what it is. The beauty of history is twofold: it is in the past, and we can learn from it. 

The folks who founded America are long gone and dead. They are never, ever coming back. They had their time, and did their best based with the little knowledge they had. They did some cool and amazing things by learning from their own past European history. For example, they fought the tyranny of a king, and crafted a Constitution to avoid falling under a monarch or a dictator.

And that brings us to the fundamental gripe that every moderate and "normal" American should have with today's Republican party. Many Republicans are so blindsided by their pain of change, and their hatred for liberalism, that they would rather live give the country away to a king or a dictator than sharing it with nonwhite males. Their pain is such that they would rather go for a totalitarian government in the hopes that it can stop change and reverse the progress of women and nonwhites.  

Ancient Greek Style 

Some American men seek, consciously or unconsciously, an ancient Greek style democracy where only "white" men would vote and control power. Women, slaves, and others did not participate in Greek democracy. 

Some American men, and their mothers and wives, are facing so much psychological pain with the fear of having less power every day that they would rather have a dictator controlling everything and stopping liberalism. 

Mental Trap

No one wants less. That is understandable. White men feel that liberalism will leave them with less relative power when compared to the past when everything was "great". Their mothers and wives share the pain of seeing these men burn inside and lose themselves in pain. They saw them getting addicted to heroin pills. They see them falling behind in STEM. They see them drinking and getting fat and heavier every day. They see them lost, and would love to rescue them somehow. 

Many of these people are otherwise good people. They are just victims of the cult of whiteness. They believe that their heritage can only survive by keeping the lie of a fairy tale history. They prefer to believe that nonwhites are solely responsible for their socio economic shortfalls. They want to believe that poor nonwhites are poor because of poor choices; and that poor whites are poor because liberals help nonwhites. All these beliefs trap these otherwise good Americans into a sticky white trash glue.

Going Forward

Change is a constant and will not stop. America and Europe will continue getting more and more diverse. Women and nonwhite males will continue increasing their equal share of power in society. The recent ultra conservative "victories" such as forcing women to carry pregnancies, forcing states to allow people to carry assault rifles, will bring a reaction. More and more voters will have no other option than voting Democrat to restore balance in our country and to promote the diversity and inclusion that will make us build a better future for all. 

Food for thought. What do you think? 


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