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Purple Nation

In the past, especially after the Civil War, American migratory patterns were mostly from Southern conservative "red" states to liberal "blue" states. Many sought to escape the socio economic stagnation of the failed confederate racism and the "Jim Crow" segregation laws. 

Recently, during and after the COVID pandemic, many Americans began migrating in the opposite direction. Red states are still conservative, regressive, religious, and poor, but since they are less developed they are more affordable. 

People migrate looking for a better life. Many Americans are lured into red states due to the relatively low (or at least comparatively lower) cost of living. Red states have lower taxed because traditionally they care less about welfare, health care, public education, and other social programs paid with taxes. 

Climate plays a key role in migration patterns. Those who can afford it spend winters in the South to avoid the nasty cold and darkness of Northern winters. Air conditioning makes it possible to live in the South year around. 

Technology is also playing a key role these days. With the advances in telecommunications, some workers can live in red states while working for companies located in blue states. Some companies are also relocating to red states looking for a cheaper work force in an anti-union environment. 

It is yet to be seen if the COVID migration patterns will be permanent. It is also yet to be seen if the new generation of Jim Crow laws in red states will force people to move to blue states. Red states are at war against women's healthcare, gender freedom, freedom from religion, and liberalism in general. Anti-abortion laws, anti-LGBTQ laws, and pro-gun laws are examples of initiatives aimed at "ethnic cleansing" to get rid of liberals in red states.   

If the current migratory patterns continue, the Nation will become more and more purple like Florida. When people move, they move their politics with them. Many liberals are moving to red states to enjoy the lower cost of living, but that does not mean that they will vote for conservatives. Instead, they will vote blue. 

Many former super red states are turning more and more purple like Florida, Georgia, and even Texas. Florida is the most important "swing" state or purple state of all, and politically it is the most important state nowadays. Yes, Ron DeSantis is an ultra conservative governor of Italian / Roman Catholic fascist heritage, but DeSantis won Florida by only 4,000 votes. 

Trump is also a Floridian now so Democrats will have to campaign super strong in Florida if they want to make the state blue in 2024. As we all know, there is no Republican path to the White House without winning Florida.  and most important purple state of all, Florida, the Sunshine State. 

People migrate looking for a better life. That is the case globally and here in our country. People used to move from the South to the North because the latter offered a better quality of life. People are now moving South because many places in the South are offering a better quality of life.

Anti-abortion laws and many other modern-day Jim Crow like laws may reduce or threaten the quality of life in red states. That means that many newcomers will vote blue to safeguard their quality of life. It's interesting to see what will happen. Chances are that our Nation will become more and more purple every year. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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