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RIP Trump

Rest in peace Ms. Ivana Trump. Condolences to Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric on the loss of their mother. Ivana demonstrated that immigrants come to our country to do the jobs that most Americans refuse. Being married to Donald Trump must have been a challenge. This year is proving challenging for the Trumps and may continue getting worse. 

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Trump killed Ashli Babbitt. Three others died because of Trump's insurrection. Justice has not been served yet. American waits for the Department of Justice to continue indicting all the way to the top. There is nothing to lose by demonstrating to the world that in America no one is above the law. 

Whether Trump is convicted or acquitted is irrelevant. Trump is the OJ Simpson of our times. Even if he is acquitted, people will keep their opinion about the man's innocence. Life will get him sooner or later. Justice will prevail. 

Trump has decided to run for president again in 2024. Trump won't stop. Trump must be stopped. Trump has decided that he has absolutely nothing to lose. Trump only cares about himself and he enjoys the spotlight above all things.

But January 6, 2021 was the end of Trump world. That was the big shitload big bang moment that exploded everything Trump. DOJ is kind of slow reconstructing the universe of evidence out there. But with time, everything will fall into place. Unless of course, Republicans win the elections and put an end of all the investigations against Trump. 

The next elections are critical for both sides. Social media has polarized the world. People go into echo chambers where everyone thinks alike and repeat the same things. It's similar to being in church with everyone repeating the same story. Reality becomes fiction and believers can only see their version of events. Social media converts folks into one-sided fanatics enslaved to their point of view.

Social media is also very stressful and bad for your heart. Trump lives on social media and watching TV. Ivana went ahead today after suffering a cardia arrest. Trump will be next. Just wait and see. Hear disease is the #1 cause of death in our country. Public enemy #1, the former guy, will die of a heart attack. You bet.

Food for thought. What do you think? 



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