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Trump is over

Inflation is high. Unemployment is low. The dollar is strong. Trump is weak. Meadows, Rudy, and others are going to be indicted for sure. Trump will not. The world will keep spinning. Everything will keep changing. The economy will continue bouncing up and down. Politics will continue swinging left and right. Buckle up. Bring out the popcorn. The best is yet to come.

How did we get here?

We walked. Our species walked and sailed all over the spinning globe. We walked around, chasing food and adventure. We walked out of Africa until we reached almost every corner of the world. All humans come from Africa. That's right our species is African. 

Migration is a constant in human history. Some humans walked out of Africa into the Middle East. Some settled down, and some walked northwest and settled down in Europe. Others walked west and settled down in Asia. From Asia, some kept walking east, crossing into the Americas. 

Some tribes settled down upon discovering agriculture. You plant a seed and it grows on site. Magic of the gods. You can grow your own food in one place without having to be always chasing food. Pray to the imaginary gods.  

Some tribes settled down centuries before others. That explains why some tribes were relatively more advanced than others. For example, while tribes in Europe and Asia were settled down studying and specializing, other tribes were still migrating. The tribes that crossed from Asia into the Americas were the last ones to settle down and thus the least advanced in some regards.

Beige, brown, and black

While migrating and after settling down, people adapted to their environments. Settling down in particular regions of the planet also explains our different "races" and outer shell physical traits. Earth spins on a tilted axis and not every region gets the same amount of sunlight, and most importantly, ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation is the main factor, if not the only one, explaining the different "racial" characteristics of humans. Your skin is either beige, brown, or black depending on the level of UV exposure experienced by your ancestral tribes.  

The different "races" evolved as humans baked under the sun in different parts of the globe. Earth is a rotisserie spinning around on its tilted axis, and rotating around the sun. One full spin on the axis takes one day (24 hours). One rotation around the sun takes a year (365 days). Baking unevenly in the sun for millennia, some humans got more burned and crispy while others got more pale and squashy. It's all good, we're all humans. Whether your skin is beige, brown, or black, you are human. Whether your hair is crispy or squashy, you are human. 

Bloody wars

Violence is also a crucial denominator in human history. It seems that some tribes were more violent and prone to war than others. That was "good" for them because it helped them become both stronger and more innovative. Necessity is the mother of invention. Nothing like war and life or death competition to spur innovation. 

It seems that the people of color beige in Europe were prone to epic violence, constantly fighting wars. Perhaps it was the same all over the world. Asians and Africans were also known for their respective epic affairs. Maybe all humans are violent creatures of war. History seems to be an account of seemingly unlimited military campaigns and martial conflicts over time. Different technologies (tools and methods) were developed to win those wars. The military innovations later lead to economic progress in civil applications during relatively peaceful times. 

How did we get to the current economic situation?

If you are wondering how we got to the current state of inflation, the answer is COVID. The pandemic  affected the "normal" or pre-pandemic global state of economic supply and demand. Initially, during the lock down phase, which was aimed at slowing down the spread of the virus, both economic supply and demand decreased.   

Demand decreased because people were locked down and could not consume as much as before the pandemic. Supply decreased because many factories were shut down. Demand recovered more quickly than supply because with the world's richest countries provided fiscal and monetary stimulus payments and programs for their citizens. Therefore, demand was ready to shoot up as soon as the pandemic ended. Supply, however, takes longer to recover because of the production lead time and the complexities of a globalized logistics supply chain. For example, if a product needs a part of component from a developing country that is still locked down or that had not recovered, the whole product is delayed. 

When the pandemic ended in the first world, the fiscally-stimulated, first-world consumers unleashed themselves into crazy consumerism as never seen before. However, supply is low and significantly weaker than the current demand on steroids. When demand exceeds supply, prices go up. That is what we are seeing now.

The economy is doing well.

Inflation is better than deflation. Full employment is better than unemployment. A strong dollar is better than a weak currency. Save money for the future. Invest in quality stocks now. 

Anyone can make money when prices are going up. You buy something and it increases in value. If you sell it, you make a profit. And is not that you are going to be paid with a worthless or depreciated currency. The U.S. dollar is the strongest that it has been in the last 20 years. 

Deflation, on the other hand, is trickier. You buy something and it depreciates. If you sell it, you realize a loss. Only those who are already wealthy tend to benefit during deflation because they can snatch assets at discounted prices. That is what is happening now with the stock markets. Savvy investors are snatching deals up and down. Deflation can be worse for many. Wait and see.

Nothing lasts forever. Inflation will recede. Everything will keep changing, and you will need to continue learning, adapting, and specializing. Life would be both easy and boring if things lasted forever and never changed. You would know how to play the game and you would never lose. However, since the game keeps changing on you, there is no way to guarantee that you will continue winning forever.

The current political situation. 

If you are wondering how we got to the current political situation, the answer is Obama. The election of the first non-beige president of the United States woke up the beige supremacy sector of the American population. 

The rural beige sector especially had suffered disproportionately the side effects of globalization. As American factories closed and moved overseas, many beige Americans lost their jobs and sense of purpose. This created a great amount of psychological pain that led to the opioid epidemic.

Trump heroine 

After the opioid epidemic, our declining rural beige population became addicted to Trump. The fake blonde scam artist is political opioid for the beige supremacy masses. Trump dumbed down everything to the simplest terms. Trump woke up the racist fears that were dormant and comfortably numb in our country. 

Trump's epidemic did not last long. Trump is cursed. Everything that Trump touches turns to shit. His presidency was not an exception. In four years, Trump had some successes, but in the end destroyed the image of the presidency. Trump orchestrated a conspiracy to stay in power illegally. 

Trump will not go to jail. 

Trump will not be indicted because he is a beige former president. Democrats are inherently weak and lack the courage to indict a beige former president. If Trump was a black democrat and Republicans were in charge, it would be a different story.  Imagine if Obama had done 1% of what Trump did related to an armed insurrection that breached and essentially raped our Capitol. Obama would be behind bars already. 

Although Trump will not be indicted, many of his enablers will. For sure, Mark Meadows, Trump's Chief of Staff during the insurrection, will be indicted along with Rudy G, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and others. Criminal defense attorneys will make millions defending all these criminals. Their legal fees will be paid by the MAGA movement with political PACs and Super PACs. It will be a very interesting and entertaining set of criminal trials. Bring the popcorn, and stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

Food for thought. What do you think?




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