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White Tribalism

No one is white, but believing in whiteness is all what some people have. Those are the MAGA supremacists who do not want to be black, and who would do and vote for whatever is opposite to what blacks vote for. 

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No one is white

Human skin color ranges from black to beige. No one is white. Not even the palest human on Earth is  white. Put a white sock or a white shirt on that skin, and the truth will reveal for you. So called "white" skin is actually beige. 

Nordic vs Tropical

Human tribes that settled in the northern hemisphere developed light beige color skin while humans that stayed in tropical areas either stayed beige or developed darker skin tones of brown or black. It's all about melanin, nature's own sunscreen. Other "racial" characteristics (hair, nostrils, eyelids, etc) are also biological adaptations to environmental and climatological differences in the different regions of the planet. 

One family

Here we are today, a big family of seven plus billion smart primates, all essentially the same, and all members of the only one race, the human race. Different tribes developed different cultures (set of norms and beliefs), but we are all the same breed of homo sapiens.

We can decide to kill each other or co-exist together. In the past, our ancestors typically opted to kill each other over real estate and power. Europe, for example, was a bloody game of thrones throughout its history. It is still going on today (e.g. Russia vs. Ukraine). Human peace is always earned and never guaranteed. Being strong and ready is the best deterrence. 


As primates, we are all tribal creatures. More than territorial animals, we humans are tribal animals. The tribe is key to our survival and wellbeing. At least that is what we are evolutionary programmed to believe. 

How do we define our tribe. Is our tribe the humans that inherited the same "racial" characteristics? Is our tribe the humans that live in the same country? Is our tribe the people who share our same beliefs? 

Choosing our tribe will make or break us. It is better to realize that we are all one tribe, the human tribe. Don't be fooled by those who want to make you think that becoming a member of a cult or a political gang is the key to your wellbeing. It is not. Free your mind. Embrace your humanity. Love all. Serve all.

Food for thought. What do you think?


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