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Boring. It will be boring without Trump. Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent about Trump, the fact is that Trump is a unique American. Unfortunately for Trump and his handlers (the 80 million white supremacists that want to stop liberalism to take the country "back"), Trump is facing serious, very serious, legal problems. The Trump era is coming to an end. Trump will be missed. American politics will be boring again without Trump. 

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American politics was very boring before Trump's Make American Great Again (MAGA) movement. Actually, with Obama in the White House, American politics began to pick the interest of the masses. Before Obama, presidential elections were about the same dull choices: pick the moderate white guy to do the job. Either candidate was basically the same. 

Obama changed everything. Obama's election woke up the white supremacist dormant dragon in American politics. Trump and many others answered the call. Trump being Trump, and genuinely racist to his core was the best candidate to rally the disgruntled masses on rural and racist America.

Trump did a great job creating a coalition of racists and evangelicals to rally the MAGA movement. Trump keeps matter simple at a basic and basal level that everyone can understand. While standard politicians complicate everything, Trump is a real estate developer--most likely a fraudulent tax evader one--that knows how to keep things simple. 

Trump supporters are mainly evangelical Christians of the American prosperity gospel. The dogma is that god selects his people on Earth and favors them with luxury and wealth. In their eyes, Trump is a blessed man favored by god. 

First and foremost, Trump is "white" (beige European skin), which is the absolute most important thing for evangelical Christians. They even bleached Jesus's skin to make him look European. Jesus was a brown Middle Eastern guy resembling the prisoners serving a life sentence in Guantanamo. Then Trump is rich, or pretends to be it, which is the second most important thing for evangelical Christians as a sign of the blessing of their fictional tale of god.

But unlike what the left and the elite think, Trump supporters are not morons being fooled by Trump. On the contrary, Trump supporters fool him into becoming their political slave. As Trump realizes, his life was better before he entered into the brutal sport of politics. 

Trump is a power addict who will do anything for the mental high of feeling like a king or dictator. Trump's ego is his Achilles heel. For crying out loud, Trump even stole classified documents from the  White House and refused to return them. 

The establishment called his bluff and raided his hotel. Under a proper search warrant signed by a federal judge, the federal police (FBI) caught Trump in possession of the stolen records. And stealing  classified records is not the only crime committed by Trump in his long career. 

The state of New York will slowly go after Trump for his potential multiple tax crimes, racketeering, and fraud as the head of the Trump Organization in New York City. Both the feds and the state of New York will move slowly and steadily. This will give Trump time to become the Republican nominee for president in 2024, but not enough time to become president again.

From 2024 through 2028, Trump will face several indictments, which will effectively end his career for good. 

Food for thought. What do you think?  



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