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The "browning" of America is our survival strategy. Our "white" population is not enough to grow our economic and military power at the pace required to beat our rivals. So called "nonwhites" are essential to the wellbeing of our Nation. That's why the establishment is bringing down Donald Trump.  

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Some "whites" (Anglos or European Americans) are resentful of the fact that our Nation is quickly becoming mostly nonwhite. Whites will become a minority. The conservative repeal of Roe v Wade may even accelerate the trend preventing many nonwhite women from limiting their reproduction. 

Many "whites" feel disenfranchised. The elite and globalist establishment of the "left" has embarked into a multi decade mission of growing immigration from Latin America, Africa, and Asia into the United States. In the past, racist laws only allowed immigration from European countries. Many "whites" are feeling displaced. It's perhaps a small fraction of the pain felt by "Natives" upon the arrival of European conquistadors to the Americas, or the one felt by the many Africans forced by Europeans into the black melting pot of slavery. 

Some "whites" foolishly believe that America "their" country to the exclusion of other Americans. Some "whites" believe that they have a stronger claim to this land than other Americans. They do not. America belongs to all of us Americans regardless of our ancestral or tribal background.  

As we all know well, "whites" are not natives to this land. Humans are not native to the Americas. Humanity began in Africa from where humans migrated onto the rest of the planet. 

Asians were the first Americans. Migratory Asian tribes crossed from Siberia into Alaska and eventually into our country landscape. Europeans settlers came fairly recently in the 1500s. Our country was founded even more recently in the 1700s. We took this land from others and forced others to work it for free. Our country belongs to every American regardless of whether the external looks are Asian, European, or African. 

Some "whites" have been made believe that their lives will be worse with the "browning" of America. We don't think so. Diversity upgrades our collective reality. We have always being a nation of immigrants. Out country is a melting pot where all tribes of the world become Americans.

Some Americans may drink Budweiser and Whiskey. Some Americans may drink Corona and Tequila. Others may be smarter and not drink at all like Trump. Regardless, we are all Americans. 

Every dollar you contribute into the economy, either buying or selling, helps everyone else in the country. Every idea that you contribute to the collective mind of our Nation helps everyone else in the country. We are stronger together. Our enemies know very well that we are unbeatable when we fight together. That's why they love to divide us and they love divisive politicians like Trump.

A segment of America's "white" population has "hired" Trump as their mercenary leader against the establishment. That is an uphill battle for an old man facing a mountain of legal problems. What are the chances that Trump's financial and tax records are 100% audit proof under a criminal probe?

Trump could do great things for our country. He really could. The problem is that Trump is a transactional power addict. For every great thing he can accomplish for his white base, he will seek more power. Even assuming that giving Trump all the power he wants would be a net positive for our  Nation, which is debatable, Trump is not eternal. 

Trump's next presidential term would be limited to four years. Even assuming for the sake of argument that his followers turn him into an autocratic leader for life, Trump will die soon enough. Trump's health will deteriorate significantly within the next years. With almost 100% certainty, Trump will be dead within the next twenty years. His obsession with becoming president again may deteriorate his health and accelerate his death. 

Upon Trump's death, we would be loaded in fudge. Trump's successor would not be as "great" as Trump, but would inherit all the authoritarian powers given to him. That has happened countless times in developing countries and authoritarian regimes around the world. That could happen here if we are not smart about stopping Trump.

Trump is entering the most tricky chapter of his business and political career. Can an old man beat the American legal system? What are the chances that Trump's financial and tax records are bullet proof against civil and criminal probes. If one has to choose between one man and the system, the system seems to be a safer bet. 

Our rivals and competitors know that we are essentially unbeatable when we work together as a diverse nation leading the world. Our enemies would love that we choose Trump and hide behind a wall to fight an racial civil war again. We are smarter than that. We can get rid of Trump and continue leading the world as the most diverse and more powerful Nation in the history of this African humanity that we all share. 

Collectively we all have more power than any individual. By empowering our institutions rather than our celebrity individuals we safeguard ourselves and our Nation. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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