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What is the natural reaction when you are caught in possession of stolen merchandise or in the commission of any other crime? For many it's something like this: 

    I didn't do it. 

    If I did it, it wasn't a crime. 

    If it was a crime, I shouldn't be indicted. 

    If I'm indicted, I shouldn't be arraigned or arrested.

    If I'm arraigned or arrested, I should be released without a bond.

    If I'm released, I shouldn't be prosecuted. 

    If I'm prosecuted, I shouldn't be convicted. 

    If I'm convicted, I shouldn't be sentenced.

    If I'm sentenced, I should be pardoned. 

    If I'm pardoned, I should go back to business. 

    If I go back to business, you mind your own business.

    All's good. Keep calm and carry on. 

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Trump and his supporters keep rationalizing his crimes. All of a sudden, when the racists MAGA "christ" is caught in possession of stolen classified information, this is no longer a serious federal offense or a federal crime. All of a sudden, it's time to attack the federal police (FBI). 

The MAGA crows is so desperate in trying to take the country "back" that they are losing common sense and perspective. All of a sudden the collective attitude is that Trump is above the law. Their message to the rest of the Nation is to carry on. Nothing to be seen here. 

MAGA folks are so obsessed with "saving" America and taking it back from black that they are losing the moral high ground and beginning to stink as rotten tomatoes. The greed of wanting to steal the country "back" shuts down common sense. Yet it all makes perfect sense in white supremacist eyes. In their view, criminal laws are there to incarcerate nonwhites. According to their cultural precepts, blacks are "thugs"; browns are "illegal terrorist aliens"; and violent "whites" are just mentally ill due to the social influence of nonwhites. 

Luckily, MAGA is becoming a minority and is losing ground. Between moving back and moving forward, the vast majority of Americans are ready to move forward.

Food for thought. What do you think? 


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