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Let Trump supporters grieve. They're humans too. Trump is in deep legal trouble. Trump was caught in possession of stolen classified documents. That is a serious federal crime for which Trump himself signed a law increasing criminal penalties. Trump is the best chance that his supporters have of establishing a "white" supremacy government in the United States. Today, that dream seems farther and more impossible than ever.

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As part of the natural stages of grief when caught committing a crime, most Trump supporters are crying "not fair". Many are trying to deflect Trump's probable culpability by referring to Hillary Clinton. They have a point. Trump was right about it too. As presidential candidate, Trump explained that mishandling classified documents is a serious federal crime. According to Trump, Hillary was supposed to be locked up in jail for mishandling classified documents. 

As President, Trump signed a federal law that increased criminal penalties for the mishandling of classified documents. Then, after the January 6th fiasco, Trump mishandled classified documents himself. Trump was caught in possession of several boxes of stolen classified materials. If convicted, Trump may be facing jail time. 

Trump supporters keep supporting him. Many Americans can't understand how Trump supporters keep supporting him no matter what Trump may do or say. They erroneously believe that Trump supporters are morons fooled by a con man leader of a cult. That is not the case. Trump supporters are not stupid. Trump supporters know well what they are doing, and why they are doing it. Trump supporters are using--if not abusing--the old man trying to achieve what they want.

Take the country "back"

It all goes back to the election of Obama. Waking up to the reality of a black man being democratically elected to the presidency of our Nation was too much to handle for a segment of our population. Our culture had indoctrinated that segment of the population into believing that blacks are inferior thugs. Our culture had indoctrinated all of us into believing that only European Americans are the true Americans. 

The liberal establishment had pulled a "fast" one on the rural base of the country. That rural base, which is overwhelmingly European looking, felt betrayed and abandoned by globalization and multiculturalism. In just a few decades, the liberal elite establishment had transformed our country into a diverse nation that could democratically elect a black man to the house of whites or White House.

Trump and many other racists woke up after Obama's election. They began to pay attention. They began to plot how to take the country "back". Up to this day, everything we see in the new Republican politics is an attempt to take the country "back" from browns and blacks. 


Browns and blacks are what we call the "mijorities" of the world. Browns and blacks are the majority of the world population, but they are still treated as minorities. In the next 50 years, we will all witness the ascent of the mijorities into the middle class around the world and into the highest echelons of power. So called "whites" will not be displaced. They will be accompanied. 

If Chinese people were "whites", it would be a different story, of course. If China was a "white" nation, you could guarantee that world power would remain completely "white" in the world. However, China is an Asian, and specifically Chinese nation. That fact alone tells you that the future of the world is not only "white", but it is multicultural. 

Time travel

Trump supporters are not stupid yet they are on the wrong side of history and physics. Time travels in one direction. We are not going back in time. Trump, as effective as he may be as a leader of his cause, will not be able to stop time or make us go back in time. 

Trump has managed to accumulate many powerful enemies all throughout our society and the whole world. Trump finds himself today submerged in countless legal battles. It will be super hard, if not completely impossible, for the old man to beat the legal system in the long run. Chances are that the legal probe against Trump in the state of the New York will find multiple tax violations and potential crimes.

Hillary Clinton 

Hillary was smart. When she found herself in legal trouble, she faded into the background. After Hillary lost the 2016 elections, she moved on. Trump, on the other hand, pretends to keep pressing forward and risks being pressurized by the full force of the law.

After Trump lost the 2020 elections, he opted to spread lies about stolen elections. Trump orchestrated a vicious (and criminal) attack to the U.S. Capitol to see if it could obstruct the lawful certification of Biden's victory. Now we are learning that Trump was caught in possession of illegally obtained Top Secret classified documents.

Caught on tape 

Trump was caught in possession of stolen merchandise and did not know what to do. If he had returned the stolen documents as requested by federal authorities, he would have implicitly confessed to the commission of a serious federal crime. If he tried to move or destroy the evidence of the stolen documents, he would have increased his criminal jeopardy. Trump froze in panic, and got high in diet coke and ketchup. 

Trump kept the stolen documents in his house waiting for a miracle. The only miracle was that Garland got courage and the FBI showed up. The FBI raided Trump's house, and found several boxes of stolen materials. 

She did it 

Trump and his supporters now point to Hillary as if saying that she did it too and nothing happened to her. That is like a narco busted by the cops saying that he is not the only narco in town. So what? The law applies regardless. 

No person is above the law in this country. It is true that many--perhaps the vast majority--escapes prosecution one way or another. We see that all the time when driving on the highway. However, when the cops pull you over, to say that everyone else was speeding is never a valid defense. 

Better call Saul

Trump was caught with stolen classified "merchandise" in his house. Trump supporters will defend him, and pay his legal fees. After all, Trump is the best chance they have of trying to re-establish the "dream" confederacy lost in the civil war. Trump's is the confederates' best chance of starting a civil war that could re-enslave the "inferiors", and incarcerate or eliminate opponents.

Unfortunately for Trump and his supporters, it is time to grieve. Their pipe dreams of going back in time are not happening. America keeps moving forward at a stronger and even more accelerated pace every day. Budweiser and opioids can ease the pain, but are not recommended. It is better to accept reality and move on. 

Life is beautiful

Life is significantly better and easier for all of us in the present time than in any other time. We are living the very best times ever known to humanity. Don't fool yourself thinking that the old days were glory days. They were shitty and primitive for everyone. 

Don't fool yourself with religious stories of centuries ago. Don't fool yourself with "racial" paradigms of centuries ago. Free yourself. Be comfortable knowing that we don't know. Don't fool yourself thinking that you and your tribe are the ones who know the truth. If you cannot prove it, accept that it is just a made up belief to help you cope with the pain and fear of ignorance. 

Be comfortable in your own skin regardless of whether it is beige, brown, or black. Be comfortable with your ancestral cultural heritage. All tribes of the world were equally primitive at some point in time. It's just that some colonized and brutalized others before they could develop further. And by the way, the did it out of ignorance and based on made up religious beliefs. Regardless of our brutal past, we're all in this together. We are all members of the only one race, the human race.

Trump Supporters

If you enjoy supporting Trump and that makes you happy, go for it. The old man will be needing your support more than ever now. Trump is in deep legal trouble at both federal and state level. Trump will need your money to keep living like a king and to pay for all his fancy lawyers and "consultants". 

It's your life, time, and money. If you want to invest it (or waste it) helping Trump, that is your choice. You decide what to do with your life, time, and money. If you want to give them to the old man because that makes you feel that you belong to a brave tribe, be our guest. Trump will surely take whatever valuable you give him. Trump is less than 20 years from dying. He will not change now.  

Fooling Trump

From a distance, it seems that Trump is fooling you, but we know more than that. Trump supporters are fooling Trump. Trump supporters are not helping Trump; they are helping themselves based on their perception of reality. They see Trump as the "great white hope" that could bring a "white" utopian government to our Nation. 

Keep dreaming. Provided that you stay within the bounds of the law and don't harm others, enjoy the Trump ride. The man is an useful fool. It is sad in part to see how his addiction to power takes the best of him. By now, he seems to have lost control and be unable to stop himself from violating the law. From a legal standpoint, Trump is on a quasi suicidal track. It seems that Trump knows that he is old and done. Trump does not seem to give a hot fudge anymore about the consequences of his acts and omissions.

The end of Trump 

Like winter, the end is coming for Trump. The man is almost, almost over, but it is fun to keep him kicking around. Just like Putin managed to unify Europe, Trump has managed to unify the left and the center of the American political spectrum. 

The economy is doing better than ever. Prices are coming down. Employment remains up. Stock prices are coming up. Everywhere you go, you see people traveling, eating, drinking, and having fun. The dollar is king and queen. Life is good.

Food for thought. What do you think? 


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