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If Trump is the christ for American evangelical politics, Jared Kushner, his son in law, may be Judas Iscariot. Apparently, someone ratted out Trump to the FBI. Trump may have stolen Top Secret documents from the White House. Perhaps the documents were sold to Saudi Arabia or other foreign actors. Coincidentally, Jared and Ivanka had received $2 billion dollars in play money for their investment fund. Maybe they found themselves deep in a federal investigation, and had to cooperate with the feds. They are too young to go to jail. Trump is to old to go to jail and will be pardoned by the next Republican president, be it himself or anybody else.  

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Jared comes from a fancy crime family. Jared's dad is a multi-million dollar real estate developer, and a convicted felon. Jared's dad served two years in a federal prison after pleading guilty of obstructing justice in a deeply embarrassing manner.

In the 1990s and 2000s, Jared's dad was a real estate developer bribing or enticing politicians with campaign contributions in exchange of favorable business treatment (e.g. real estate permits, tax deals, etc.) If it sounds familiar or similar to Trump's alleged business practices, it's because maybe it is. Both Jared and Ivanka were born and raised in that fancy crime setting of multi-million dollar real estate development in Yankee world.  

In any event, due to some sort of family feud, Jared's aunt ratted out Jared's dad to the authorities. To keep her quiet, Jared's dad conceived an evil master plan. Jared's dad hired a prostitute to seduce his brother in law, and filmed them having sex. Jared's dad showed the tape to his sister to force her stop cooperating with the authorities. Maybe he threatened to share the video within their high class social circle. 

Jared's dad sex tape strategy backfired. His sister ratted him out even more. Jared's dad ended pleading guilty in exchange for a reduced federal sentence. Jared's dad served two yeas in federal prison, and more time in house arrest. Trump pardoned him during his presidency to clear his family name. 

Last week the FBI caught Trump in possession of stolen classified documents. It is presumed that someone tipped the authorities. There is wild speculation that the rat or mole was either Jared Kushner or Ivanka herself. Perhaps they realized that accepting the Saudi money ($2 billion dollars) for their family business came with serious espionage strings attached. Perhaps the old man played a trick on them. That is, of course, speculation.

Another speculation is that the other documents that Trump stole from the White House and concealed illegally at Mar a Lago would be used to commit or to conceal other crimes. We may never know. Trump tribe is hard at work creating an alternative set of facts for a self-serving ideological "truth". Trump supporters are good Christians. As such, Trump supporters are well trained in the art and craft of believing blindly by faith and creating a politically convenient "truth" shame shield.  

Trump keeps raising funds at a record pace. Trump remains the best chance of overt white supremacists to take the country "back". Some say that a blue wave tsunami may wipe out white supremacists again in 2024 just like it happened in 2020. That is yet to be seen, but it is likely. White supremacists are falling into disgrace and are staying behind of the curve. The world keeps moving forward and will not wait for them 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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