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Keep it simple stupid (KISS). KISS explains why Trump is so popular. KISS is also the easiest way to defeat Trump. 

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Trump is a symptom, not a cause. 

It's easy to blame Trump for everything that is wrong with conservatives. However, Trump is only one person. Trump supporters are more than 80 million Americans. Trump supporters are the Americans who are displeased and dissatisfied with how our Nation has changed in the last two or three decades. 

Remember when Obama supporters chanted: Change, Change, Change. Well, Trump supporters are upset with that change. Obama's election to the presidency in 2008 was a wakeup call for all those Americans who would become Trump supporters years later. 

Trump's art is to keep things simple

Trump communicates in simple terms and codes that his supporters understand and appreciate. On the left, and in the world of the elite establishment, everything is complicated and highly specialized. In Trump world, everything is simple and easy to understand. Trump is right; everyone else is wrong. As simple as that. People fall for it, and love falling for it. 

Trump supporters are those Americans who wish that success and prosperity in life would really be as simple as combining two things: being a Christian; and being an American. All you have to do is pray and tithe to a prosperity gospel church. God and JC will make you prosper. That version of the world is simple and enticing. That is Trump world. 

Democrats complicate everything

The world of democrats and liberals is always complicated and specialized. All groups have rights to cancel culture and change all traditions. A woman is a term that can no longer be defined. The world was not created by a white god sitting in heaven. The truth is complicated and esoteric, constantly changing with new scientific discoveries. Technology disrupts everything. Paradoxically, life gets easire and more complicated at the same time. Think about passwords for example. They're mind boggling for the masses. 

Trump simplifies everything for his supporters. Trump helps them cope with the uncertainties and complexities of modern life. All they have to do is follow him. Just like they follow Jesus supposedly, they must follow the political messiah, Trump. Just like in their Christian faith, all they have to do is suspend disbelief and believe that Jesus and Trump are the saviors of the world. It's no coincidence that  Trump's slogan is Save America. The vision is that Trump is the political christ of the disenfranchised American conservative right. They are the "good" ones. Liberals are the "evil" ones.

Faith can move mountains

Just like faith can metaphorically move mountains, Trump can also move mountains in the eyes of his followers and supporters. The man is an alpha male unafraid of pissing off the establishment. Like a king, Trump cannot do wrong in the eyes and minds of his supporters. Whatever the man does is correct and superb. Whatever his opponents do is wrong and absurd. 

Take stealing federal property or avoiding paying taxes for example. If Trump does it, it is somehow morally justified and totally okay.  He can plead the fifth amendment; he can argue that he owns the stolen federal property found in his resort. Trump can orchestrate a coup to get government officials killed and declare martial law. All that is cool and approved by his followers. 

If someone else were to do the same things that Trump does, Trump supporters would be upset and vigorously enforce the law. If Trump does it, god must have a plan and it must somehow be okay. Trump has been caught cheating and stealing. All is good and okay for his followers.

KISSing Trump goodbye.

The easiest way for the establishment to get rid of Trump is to keep it simple and enforce the law. Trump is a suspect of serious federal and state crimes. Tax evasion is typically the quintessential crime that gets white collar criminals in problem. Stealing federal records is an easy crime to prosecute and it seems that all the evidence is already there. 

Food for thought. What do you think?


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