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Trump supporters are good American Christians. 

As American Christians, Trump supporters are well trained in the art and craft of suspending disbelief. Trump supporters know how to mold the "truth" self-servingly to promote their perceived best interests and wellbeing. 

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Trump supporters are not the fools or "morons" that the left think they are. Trump supporters are witty and wickedly smart. Trump supporters are not being conned by a Yankee old man. Instead, Trump supporters are using--if not abusing--the old power junkie to their advantage. Trump offers a rare opportunity never presented before in American politics. Trump can implode the establishment. Trump can help the racist right stop globalization and take the country "back". At least that is what Trump supporters hope their new christ can miraculously do for them. What do you think?  

There is a difference between what is true and the truth. 

What is true is what you can prove. The "truth" is whatever you can believe regardless of proof. Trump supporters are overwhelmingly "white" Christian evangelicals masters at the art of bending and molding the "truth" for political and financial advantage. What is true is irrelevant. What matters is what they can convince themselves that represents the ultimate "truth". 

The left believes that Trump fools his supporters. The left believes that Trump is a con artist, and that his followers are deplorable "morons". That is not the case. Trump does not fool anyone. Trump followers use him as a means to an end. Not unlike Europeans leveraged the mythology of Jesus Christ to conquer the world, Trump supporters unleash their lying Trump in trying to conquer our country. 

The incredible tale of Christianity

Christianity illustrates the dichotomy between what is true and the truth. The central character of the Christian theology is the christ, the messiah, the savior of the Judaic prophecies. A Middle Eastern man named Yeshua (Jesus in English) self-proclaimed himself the christ. Yeshua either knew that he was lying, or was out of his mind crazy and detached from reality.  

Along with twelve conspirators or "disciples", Yeshua went around town teaching a very liberal and utterly communist interpretation of traditional Judaism. Yeshua professed such a liberal interpretation of conservative dogmas that he managed to infuriate the religious establishment of his time and place. Conservatives despised him and everything about his queer movement. Conservatives moved quickly to swiftly crucify Yeshua to death. 

After Yeshua's death, his disciples and former co-conspirators began spreading wild stories about miracles to make the story go viral and "prove" Yeshua's super powers. The first alleged miracle was turning water into wine to get people happy in a wedding. The last alleged miracle was resurrecting from death to ascend levitating into heaven. These tales were, of course, defy the laws of physics and were never proven true. However, with plenty of repetition throughout time, and brutal political enforcement eventually, these stories became the "truth" for Christians worldwide. 

The christ or savior 

Christians used the mythology of the "christ" as a means to achieving a political end. Christianity was used by kings and emperors to conquer territories. All cool pagan gods of the primitive Europeans were replaced with Jehova, the god of Yeshua, the christ. To achieve salvation in the after life, you had to suspend disbelief and surrender your life to the cult of christ.  

Christianity conquered all Europe. When Europeans conquered the Americas, they brought Christianity with them. The faith gave the conquistadors and settlers the moral high ground to kill and colonize in the name of god. After all, the infidels in the Americas did not believe in Yeshua or Yehova, therefore they could be colonized and exploited to death in Jeho's name. To this day, even after all the insanity and brutality, Christianity is still the dominant religion in Europe and the Americas. Naturally, millions have abandoned religion altogether knowing its cognitive shortfalls and moral perils. 

Trump as the political christ

Trump supporters use him as the "christ" or savior of their political movement. Trump supporters exploit Trump's uncontrollable addiction to money and power. His supporters fuel him and his ego to see if he can destroy the establishment.

Trump supporters detest the current system imposed and controlled by a globalist liberal elite. Trump supporters need a capable mercenary that can implode the system. Trump supporters need a leader that is so blindsided by power addiction that does not care about violating laws or codes. 

Trump supporters need a leader who can organize attacks against our democratic institutions. Trump supporters need a fool that can risk it all trying to become king. Trump supporters want the country "back" and Trump is the best chance they've got.  

Trump is a means to an end

As a means of achieving a political end, Trump supporters are willing and able to suspend disbelief. They can accept whatever "truth" is convenient, and whatever may help Trump to deliver political results for white supremacists and Christian nationalists. If possible, all fudge Mexicans should get out, and all nonwhites should return to Africa, India, China, or wherever else they may have come from. That is the racist mindset of Trump supporters and Trump handlers. 

It would be hard for untrained minds to suspend disbelief, and belief whatever fits a political agenda of that nature. However, Trump supporters are not ordinary Americans. Trump supporters are mostly evangelical Christians trained in the art of re-inventing the truth. 

American Christians are trained to suspend disbelief all the time. For most them, the training began in early childhood, and the indoctrination continues daily with vigorously reinforced lectures and prayers  every Sunday.

The Church of Donald Trump 

The "Church of Donal Trump" can be seen as the fastest growing segment of American Christianity. Billions can be made spreading this new gospel of Trumpism. Trump is about to be metaphorically crucified for his many crimes in over 50 years of questionable business and political practices. 

It's time to begin making up stories about miracles. For example, it is being said that Trump miraculously turned classified documents into declassified ones before the FBI found them stored in Mar a Lago. That is a humble beginning, but is a start. It may (or may not) help Trump and his family avoid federal prosecution for stealing classified documents and potentially selling them to foreign actors. 

The Saudis recently gave Ivanka's family two billion dollars ($2B) in seed money for an investment fund. All of a sudden Ivanka's family turned into political advisors to financial money managers for the Saudis. Could it be that the Saudi money was payment for the illegal sharing of classified documents stolen from the White House? Who knows. 

Slap is food for thought. What do you think?


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